ADC/en: различия между версиями

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== Как получить напряжение с АЦП ==

== How to get voltage from ADC ==
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#Напряжение должно быть в диапазоне допустимых значений.
#Клеммники Ax выполняют две функции: АЦП и управление низковольтной нагрузкой. Перед измерением напряжение, поставьте соответствующий выход управления низковольтной нагрузкой в положение "выключено". Например, если вы подключаетесь к клемме A1, выключите в веб-интерфейсе A1_OUT (раздел Relays & FETs).
#Подключите ваш источник к клемме. Значение напряжения сразу появится в [[Веб-интерфейс Wiren Board | веб-интерфейсе]], в устройстве ADCs. Также значение транслируется в систему сообщений [[Special:MyLanguage/MQTT|MQTT]].

#Select the terminal to which your source can be connected based on the maximum allowable voltage (see table below).
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#Most ADC terminals have two functions: ADC and low-voltage load control. Before measuring the voltage on the ADC, turn off the appropriate low-voltage load control output. For example, if you are connecting to terminal A1, turn off A1_OUT in the web interface (the Relays & FETs section).
Также значение можно получать в ручном режиме: [[Special:MyLanguage/Низкоуровневая работа с ADC|Низкоуровневая работа с ADC]].
#:For details, see [[Мультиплексирование портов/en|Multiplexing ports]]
#Connect your source to the terminal. The voltage value will immediately appear in the  [[Wiren Board 4:Веб-интерфейс | веб-интерфейсе]] in the ADCs device. The value is also translated to the MQTT message system[[MQTT|MQTT]].

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== Входное напряжение  ==

== Using values from external programs ==
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Демон wb-homa-adc транслирует значение в очередь сообщений MQTT в топик  /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin .
Таким образом, значение отображается в веб-интерфейсе как канал Vin устройства ADCs

A special WB-homa-adc driver translates the value to the [[MQTT|MQTT]] system and can be obtained there.
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== Список АЦП для контроллера WB6 ==

Also, the value can be obtained in manual mode:[[Низкоуровневая работа с ADC/en|Low-level work with ADC]].
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В Wiren Board 6 каналы АЦП процессора подключены к клеммникам A1-A4. Также на АЦП заведено входное напряжение (после входных диодов) и напряжение на клемме 5Vout.

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== Resistance measurement ==
Смотрите также:
* [[Wiren Board 6.2: Peripherals#Каналы АЦП| Каналы АЦП в Wiren Board 6.2]]
Wiren Board 5.8 controllers '''and below''' were able to measure the resistance of resistors connected to the R1 and R2 inputs.
* [[ADC.OLD | Списки АЦП для старых версий контроллера]]
TODO: you should write here how to configure resistive inputs through the web interface.
See [[ADC:Измерение сопротивлений - технические детали/en|ADC: resistance measurement - technical details]]
== Input voltage  ==
The wb-homa-adc daemon translates the value to the MQQT message queue in the /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin topic. Therefore, the value is displayed in the web interface as the Vin channel of the ADCs device
== Battery voltage ==
The wb-homa-adc daemon translates the value to the MQTT message queue in the topic /devices/wb-adc/controls/BAT. Therefore, the value is displayed in the web interface as the BAT channel of the ADCs device
Manual mode: see [[Низкоуровневая работа с ADC| low-Level ADC operation]].
== Technical details on the implementation of the ADC ==
Wiren Board сontrollers versions 2.3 and 4 have 8 ADC channels that are multiplexed into one processor channel (LRADC1). Multiplexing channels are shown in the table [[Wiren Board 4:Список GPIO|Wiren Board 4:Список GPIO]].
The Wiren Board 5 uses 8 different ADC channels that are connected to separate processor channels. The 4V line is connected to the BAT channel (LRADC7), in addition to measuring the voltage at the 2 resistive inputs, 4 universal inputs A1-A4 and the input voltage (see table below).
The ADC channels serving the R1 and R2 inputs have a built-in independent current source that is used to measure the resistance connected to the channel. Current source accuracy: 5%. See [[Калибровка аналоговых входов| Calibration of analog inputs]].
In Wiren Board 6, the ADC channels of the processor are connected to terminals A1-A4. Also, the ADC has input voltage (after the input diodes) and voltage at the terminal 5Vout.
=== The main channels ===
A part of the ADC channels is output to the terminals in parallel with the low-voltage load control transistors. '''Make sure''' you have closed the corresponding FET using GPIO before using the ADC. For details, see [[Мультиплексирование портов/en|Multiplexing ports]]
=== A list of ADC for different devices ===
==== Wiren Board 6 ====
See  [[Wiren Board 6.2: Peripherals#Каналы АЦП|Wiren Board 6.2: Peripherals#Каналы АЦП]]
==== Wiren Board 5 ====
{|  border="1"  class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! terminal block || ADC Channel (LRADCxx) || Divider||  Final formula (without divider) || V max. measured || comments
| A1 ||  1
|rowspan="4"|88k7/12k  ||  rowspan="4"|  V = N * 3.80 mV || rowspan="4"| 31V || rowspan="4"|
| A2 || 2
| A3 || 3 
| A4 || 4 
| R1 ||  6
|rowspan="2"| 1  ||  rowspan="2"|  V = N * 0.4518 mV|| rowspan="2"| 3.1V || rowspan="2"|  r2 = 3150 Ohm,
r1 = 1000 kOhm
| R2 || 0 
| 4В/li_pol || 7 ||
| V = N * 1.807 mV || - || on the 4 В line
| Vin || 5
|88k7/12k||  V = N * 3.80 mV || 31V || inpit voltage
==== WB4 ====
{| border="1"
Terminal block || Divider || Formula to recalculate  || Final formula (without divider) || V max. measured (with divider)  || comments
| A1-A3 || 100k/90.9k || N / 4095 * 1.85V * 2.100 || V = N * 0.949 mV || 7.4V  ||
| A4-A5 || 100k/11.86k ||  N / 4095 * 1.85V * 9.43  || V = N * 4.26 mV || 34.4V ||
| R1-R2 || 3k15/1M || N / 4095 * 1.85V * 1.003 || V = N * 0.426 mV || 3.7V ||
| li_pol || 100k/90.9k || N / 4095 * 1.85V * 2.100  || V = N * 0.949 mV || - || battery
| Vin || 33k/4k51 ||N / 4095 * 1.85V * 8.32 || V = N * 3.76 mV || 30.6V || input voltage, iio channel 0
==== WB3.5 ====
{| border="1"
| Terminal block || Divider|| Formula to recalculate || Final formula || V max || comments
| A1-A4 || 220k/22k||  V = N / 4095 * 1.85V * 11 || V = N * 4.97 mV || ||
| R1-R4 || - ||  V = N / 4095 * 1.85V ||V = N * 0.452 mV || ||
| Vin || 33k/4k53 ||N / 4095 * 1.85V * 8.28 || V = N * 3.74 mV || 30V || input voltage, iio channel: 0
==== WB NETMON-1 ====
{| border="1"
| Terminal block || Divider || Formula to recalculate  || Final formula (without divider) ||  V max. measured (with divider)  || comments
| A1-A8 || 31k/4.68k || N / 4095 * 1.85V * 7.627 || V = N * 3.446 mV || 20V ||
| Vin || 12k/1k ||N / 4095 * 1.85V * 13 || V = N * 5.873 mV ||  || input voltage
==== WB2.8 ====
{| border="1"
| Terminal block || Divider|| Formula to recalculate || Final formula || comments
| A1-A7 || 12K/33K||  V = N / 4095 * 1.85V * 1.364 || V = N * 0.616 mV ||
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