WB-MAI11 Modbus Analog Inputs/en: различия между версиями

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#REDIRECT [[WB-MAI11 Modbus Analog Inputs]]
'''[https://wirenboard.com/en/product/WB-mai/ Pre-order in the online store ]'''
[[Файл:WB-mai.png |200px|thumb|right| WB-MAI, side view]]
== Purpose==
The analog input module is designed for:
* voltage measurement;
* current measurement;
* resistance measurements on two-wire and three-wire circuits;
* temperature measurements using thermocouples or resistance thermometers;
* signal measurements from ratiometric sensors or variable resistors;
* connection of dry contact and open collector type signals.
The input mode is selected when configuring the instrument. No additional external load/pull-up resistors are required. The device allows you to connect up to 22 different sensors at the same time.
Design: housing on DIN-rail (width 6 units). Supply voltage 12 – 24V.
The module is controlled from the controller or PC via RS-485 bus by Modbus commands.
== Specifications ==
{| class="wikitable"
|+Table 1. Technical parameters.
! colspan="2" |Power
|Supply voltage
|12 V – 24 V
! colspan="2" |measurement Channels
|Number of channels
|11 differential or 22 normal
|Voltage measurement
| -5 – 5 V differential mode
0 – 5 V normal operation
|Current measurement
|0 – 20 mA
|Resistance measurement
|0 – 5000 Ohms
|Types of thermocouples supported
|Types of resistance thermometers supported
|Rt50, Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000, 50P, 100P, 500P, 1000P, 50M, 100M, 500M, 1000M, Ni100, Ni500, NI1000
|Voltage measurement error
|Current measurement error
|Error in the measurement of resistance
|±0.1% for INxP inputs
±1% for INxN inputs
±(0.1% + 0.003·Rw) for three-wire circuit
! colspan="2" |Control
|Management interface
|Interface isolation
|Galvanically isolated from measuring circuits
|Communication protocol
|Modbus RTU, address is set by software, factory settings are indicated on the label
|RS-485 interface parameters
|Default speed of 9600 bps; data bits 8; parity N; stop bits 2.
Interface parameters can be configured programmatically:
* Speed: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (default), 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bit/s <br>([[UART_Communication_Settings/en|configure RS-485 communication parameters for Wiren Board Modbus devices]])
* Data: 8 bit
* Parity check: none (default), 1 - odd (odd), 2 - even (even)
* Stop bits: 1, 2 (default)
|Ready for operation after power supply
|1 c
! colspan="2" |dimensions
|106.25 x 90.2 x 57.5 mm
! colspan="2" |operating Conditions
|Air temperature
|-40°C to +80°C
|Relative humidity
|up to 98%, without condensation
== Connection diagrams ==
The module is made in a plastic case and is designed for installation in a mounting box on a DIN rail.[[File:MAI Diff Voltage.png|mini|Fig. 1. Voltage measurement in differential mode.|без]] Fig. 1 shows the connection diagram of the sensor with the output type "voltage" in differential mode. This scheme is suitable for sensors whose output voltage can take negative values. Allows you to measure voltages from -5 to 5 V.
[[File:MAI Voltage.png|without|mini|Fig. 2. Voltage measurement]]
Fig. 2 shows the voltage measurement circuit relative to the common wire. This scheme allows you to measure only positive voltages from 0 to 5 V. It is possible to connect two sensors to one input.
[[File:MAI Current.png|without|mini|Fig.3. Current measurement.]]
Fig.3 shows the connection diagram of sensors with a current output of 0-20 mA (4-20 mA). Load resistors with a nominal value of 100 Ω built in the device and connect via the software, the configuration process of the device. It is possible to connect two sensors to one input.
[[File:MAI Thermocouple.png|without|mini|Fig. 4. The connection of the thermocouple.]]
Fig. 4 shows the K-type thermocouple connection diagram. For correct detection of the absence of thermocouple input filter capacitors are discharged short-term (several µs) pulses with built-in resistors 100 Ohms. It is necessary to keep this in mind, if you connect another source of EMF instead of a thermocouple. The capacitors are only discharged in the "Standard sensors" mode when one of the supported thermocouples is selected. In basic modes, no discharge is performed.
[[File:MAI Dry.png|without|mini|Fig. 5. Connection of dry contact sensors and resistance measurement on a two-wire scheme.]]
For rice. 5 shows the connection diagram of the sensors of the dry contact or resistance measurement on a two-wire circuit (shown by the dotted line). When using a two-wire circuit, the resistance of the wires is included in the measurement result. Due to the internal features of the INxP input device, the accuracy of the resistance measurement is greater than that of the INxN inputs. This should be taken into account when connecting the sensors. It is possible to connect two sensors to one input.
[[File:MAI Ratio.png|without|mini|Fig. 6. Connection of ratiometric sensors.]]
Fig. 6 is the scheme of connection of ratiometric sensors or variable resistors. In this mode, the signal from the sensor is measured as a percentage - from 0% (GND level) to 100% (+5V level). It is possible to connect two sensors to one input.
[[File:MAI 3 wire.png|without|mini|Fig. 7. Resistance measurement by three-wire circuit.]]
Fig. 7 shows a diagram of the resistance measurement of the three-wire circuit. In this mode, the resistance of the wires has almost no effect on the measurement result, provided that all the wires to the sensor are the same. The absolute effect of wire resistance on the final result is 0.003 Rw as opposed to 2Rw (Rw is the resistance of one wire to the sensor) in a two-wire circuit.
[[File:MAI Res over current.png|without|mini|Fig. 8. Resistance measurement using the current measurement.]]
Fig. 8 shows a diagram of the resistance measurement using the current measurement. This circuit is used to connect an NTC thermistor. In this mode, the device can measure resistance in a wide range - from 150 Ohms to 1 MW. But keep in mind that the lower the resistance of the NTC, the greater the current in the circuit and self-heating NTC (as opposed to the circuits in Fig. 5 and Fig.7, where the current in the circuit is constant regardless of resistance). Therefore, the device artificially reduces the input polling rate depending on the current NTC resistance to compensate for self-heating. It is possible to connect two NTC to one input, but in this case, the polling rate is reduced, because during the survey of one, the current goes through both NTC, which leads to an increase in idle time to compensate for self-heating. To improve the accuracy of high resistance measurements, it is recommended to select the lowest possible data rate - 20 SPS.
=== Possible combinations of sensors to a single login ===
Two sensors can be connected to the same input with the following restrictions:
* If the channel INxP / off, channel, INxN should also be turned off
* If the channel INxP has a differential type configuration for channel INxN ignored
* Channel INxN may not have a differential type
* If the INxP channel is set to current measurement mode, the INxN channel must also be set to current measurement or disabled
* If the INxP channel is set to resistance or voltage measurement mode, the INxN channel must also be set to resistance or voltage measurement
* If the channel is configured to INxP mode of resistance measurement using the current measurement, and the channel INxN also have this mode or turned off
Channel settings INxP override the channel settings INxN. If the above conditions are not met, the INxN channel settings are ignored and the channel is disabled. Table 2 shows the possible sensor combinations for a single input.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Table 2. Possible combinations of sensors to one input.
! rowspan="2" |inxp channel connection Diagram
! colspan="8" |Possible inxn circuit
|Figure 1
|Figure 2
|Figure 3
|Figure 4
|Figure 5
|Figure 6
|Figure 7
|Figure 8
|Figure 1
The measurement of the voltage in differential mode
|Figure 2
Voltage measurement
|Figure 3
Current measurement
|Figure 4
The connection of the thermocouple
|Figure 5
Connection of "dry contact" sensors and resistance measurement according to two-wire scheme
|Figure 6
Connection of ratiometric sensors
|Figure 7
Resistance measurement by three-wire circuit
|Figure 8
Resistance measurement using the current measurement
== Description of Modbus registers ==
All modbus registers of the device are divided into 3 groups:
* Device settings
* The setting of the measurement channels
* Measured value
The register map is shown in table 3. ''''X' in the register address is the entry number from 1 to 11 (0x1 to 0xB).'''
{| class="wikitable"
|+Table 3. Description of Modbus control registers.
!Hex address
!Dec address
! colspan="7" |Device parameters
|baud rate / 100
| RS-485 port speed, '''divided by 100'''. Allowable speed: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
|0, 1, 2
|Configure the RS-485 port parity bit. Valid values: 0 - no parity bit (none), 1 - odd (odd), 2 - even (even)
|1, 2
|Number of stop bits of RS-485 port. Valid values: 1, 2
|otрук than 0
|Restart. Writing to the register causes the module restart without saving state
|Device Modbus-address
|0x00C8 - 0x00CE
|200 - 206
|0x00DC - 0x00F1
|220 - 241
|__date__ __time__
|Firmware build date
|0x00FA - 0x010D
|250 - 269
|string, null-terminated
|Firmware version
|0x010A - 0x010F
|266 - 271
|Unique identifier(S/N)
! colspan="7" |The setting of the measurement channels
|4096·'''X''' + 1024
|Тable 4, table 5
|Type of sensor connected to INxP channel or to INx in differential mode (see tables 4 and 5)
|4096·'''X''' + 1025
|Table 4, table 5
|Type of sensor connected to the INxN channel (see tables 4 and 5)
|4096·'''X''' + 1026
|0, 20, 45, 90, 175, 330, 600, 1000
|Data rate for INxP or INx channels in differential mode, SPS. 0 - channel is off
|4096·'''X''' + 1027
|0, 20, 45, 90, 175, 330, 600, 1000
|Data rate for INxN channels, SPS. 0 - channel off
|4096·'''X''' + 1028
|0 - 50
|Number of continuous measurements for INxP or INx channels in differential mode
|4096·'''X''' + 1029
|0 - 50
|Number of continuous measurements for INxN channels
|4096·'''X''' + 1030
|0 - 65000
|Characteristic time of lowpass filter for INxP or INx channels in differential mode,  ms
|4096·'''X''' + 1031
|0 - 65000
|The characteristic time lowpass filter for  INxN channels, ms
|4096·'''X''' + 1032
|16-bit signed int
|The lower limit of the measuring range of the active sensor channels INx INxP or in differential mode
|4096·'''X''' + 1033
|16-bit signed int
|The lower limit of the measuring range of the active sensor for INxN channels
|4096·'''X''' + 1034
|16-bit signed int
|The upper limit of the measuring range of the active sensor channels INx or INxP in differential mode
|4096·'''X''' + 1035
|16-bit signed int
|The upper limit of the measuring range of the active sensor INxN channels
|4096·'''X''' + 1036
|0 (авто), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
|Gain factor for INxP or INx channels in differential mode
|4096·'''X''' + 1037
|0 (авто), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
|The gain factor for INxN channels
! colspan="7" |Measured values
|4096·'''X''' + 1280
|32-bit signed int
|Measured value for inxp or differential INX channel
|4096·'''X''' + 1282
|32-bit signed int
|The measured value for INxN channel
|4096·'''X''' + 1284
|16-bit signed int
|Converted to physical quantity value for inxp channel or differential INx channel
|4096·'''X''' + 1285
|16-bit signed int
|Converted into physical quantity value for channel INxN
|4096·'''X''' + 1286
|16-bit signed int
|The current gain factor for channel INxP or differential channels INx
|4096·'''X''' + 1287
|16-bit signed int
|The current gain factor for channel INxN
|16-bit signed int
|Terminal voltage +5V, мВ
|16-bit signed int
|Temperature inside the device, °C·100
Since each input supports and differential (scheme in Fig. 1,4,7) and normal mode (scheme in Fig. 2,3,5,6) operation, the sensor type is set for inxp and INxN inputs separately in the respective registers 0x'''X'''400 и 0x'''X'''401, where '''X''' is the input number from 1 to 11 in hexadecimal (0x1 to 0xB).
If the channel is set to automatic gain factor, the channel polling rate may be reduced by requiring multiple measurements to match the gain factor.
Only gain factors 1, 2 and 4 are available for normal channel operation.
If the differential mode was set for INxP input, the values of the configuration register INxN inputs are ignored. Only normal mode can be installed for inputs INxN.
== Description of device operation modes ==
The device allows you to configure the following operating modes for each input:
* Voltage measurement relative to +5V (in differential or normal mode)
* Voltage measurement (differential or normal mode)
* Resistance measurement (in differential or normal mode)
* Current measurement (normal mode only)
* Resistance measurement via current measurement (normal mode only)
Table 4 provides a complete description of all possible operating modes. These modes are "basic", the measurement of signals from standard sensors is based on them.
The registers "sensor type" (0x'''X'''400, 0x'''X'''401) for each input can store codes from table 4 or from table 5. To measure non-standard values, you can select the input type and the measurement range manually from table 4.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Table 4. Description of the device operation modes.
!Measurable type
!Input mode
!Gain factor
!Measuring range
!Output format
| rowspan="6" |Измерение
относительно +5В
| rowspan="3" |Нормальный
| rowspan="3" |0x0000
| rowspan="3" |0
| rowspan="3" |Измерение напряжения с ратиометрических датчиков (схема на рис. 6)
Измерение напряжения от 0 до 5В (схема на рис. 2)
| rowspan="3" |±0.1%
| rowspan="6" |% · 100
|0...(+5V / 2)
|0...(+5V / 4)
| rowspan="3" |Дифференциальный
| rowspan="3" |0x0100
| rowspan="3" |256
| rowspan="3" |Измерение напряжения в дифференциальном режиме от -5 до 5 В (схема на рис. 1)
|± (+5V)
| rowspan="3" |±0.1%
|± (+5V / 2)
|± (+5V / 4)
| rowspan="11" |Измерение
| rowspan="3" |Нормальный
| rowspan="3" |0x0001
| rowspan="3" |1
| rowspan="3" |Измерение напряжения в нормальном режиме от 0 до 2 В (схема на рис. 2)
|0...2048 мВ
| rowspan="3" |±0.2%
| rowspan="11" |мВ · 100
|0...1024 мВ
|0...512 мВ
| rowspan="8" |Дифференциальный
| rowspan="8" |0x0101
| rowspan="8" |257
| rowspan="8" |Измерение напряжения в дифференциальном режиме от -2 до 2 В (схема на рис. 1)
Измерение напряжения с термопары (схема на рис. 4)
|± 2048 мВ
| rowspan="3" |±0.2%
|± 1024 мВ
|± 512 мВ
|± 256 мВ
| rowspan="5" |±0.25%
|± 128 мВ
|± 64 мВ
|± 32 мВ
|± 16 мВ
| rowspan="9" |Измерение
| rowspan="3" |Нормальный
для входов INxP
| rowspan="6" |0x0002
| rowspan="6" |2
| rowspan="6" |Измерение сопротивления по двухпроводной схеме (схема на рис. 5)
Подключение датчиков типа "сухой контакт" (схема на рис. 5)
|0...5000 Ом
| rowspan="3" |±0.1%
| rowspan="9" |Ом · 100
|0...2550 Ом
|0...1275 Ом
| rowspan="3" |Нормальный
для входов INxN
|0...5100 Ом
| rowspan="3" |±1% номинальная
±6% максимальная
|0...2550 Ом
|0...1275 Ом
| rowspan="3" |Дифференциальный
(трехпроводная схема)
| rowspan="3" |0x0102
| rowspan="3" |258
| rowspan="3" |Измерение сопротивления по трехпроводной схеме (схема на рис. 7)
|0...5000 Ом
| rowspan="3" |±0.1%
|0...2550 Ом
|0...1275 Ом
| rowspan="3" |Измерение
| rowspan="3" |Нормальный
| rowspan="3" |0x0003
| rowspan="3" |3
| rowspan="3" |Измерение тока от 0 до 20 мА (схема на рис. 3)
|0...20.48 мА
| rowspan="3" |±0.2%
| rowspan="3" |мА · 10000
|0...10.24 мА
|0...5.12 мА
| rowspan="3" |Измерение сопротивления
через измерение тока в цепи
| rowspan="3" |Нормальный
| rowspan="3" |0x0004
| rowspan="3" |4
| rowspan="3" |Измерение сопротивления NTC-термистора (схема на рис. 8)
Ток в цепи идет только в момент опроса текущего входа, во время опроса остальных входов
ток не идет, в отличие от режиме "измерение тока", где ток идет всегда.
|200 Ом .. 250 кОм
| rowspan="3" |±3% в конце диапазона
±1,5% в середине диапазона
±0.5% в начале диапазона
| rowspan="3" |Ом
|500 Ом .. 500 кОм
|1200 Ом .. 1 МОм
== Типы поддерживаемых стандартных датчиков ==
Поддерживаемые типы стандартных датчиков приведены в таблице 5. При использовании стандартных датчиков значения регистров 0x'''X'''40A и 0x'''X'''40B (коэффициент усиления) игнорируется. Стандартные датчики имеют код 0x1XXX.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Таблица 5. Типы стандартных датчиков
!Код датчика
!Код датчика
сырых данных
пересчитанных данных
! colspan="7" |Термоэлектрические преобразователи
Режим работы – измерение напряжения с термопары (схема на рис. 4)
|ТХА (K)
|мВ · 100
|°C · 10
|±0.5 °С
! colspan="7" |Термометры сопротивления по двухпроводной схеме
Режим работы – измерение сопротивления по двухпроводной схеме (схема на рис. 5)
|Pt 50 (α = 0,00385 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="15" |Ом · 100
| rowspan="15" |°C · 10
| rowspan="2" |±0.4 °С
|Pt 100 (α = 0,00385 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|Pt 500 (α = 0,00385 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="2" |±0.25 °С
|Pt 1000 (α = 0,00385 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|50П (α = 0,00391 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="2" |±0.4 °С
|100П (α = 0,00391 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|500П (α = 0,00391 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="2" |±0.25 °С
|1000П (α = 0,00391 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|50М (α = 0,00428 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="2" |±0.35 °С
|100М (α = 0,00428 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|500М (α = 0,00428 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="3" |±0.25 °С
|1000М (α = 0,00428 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|Ni 100 (α = 0,00617 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|Ni 500 (α = 0,00617 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="2" |±0.2 °С
|Ni 1000 (α = 0,00617 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
! colspan="7" |Термометры сопротивления по трехпроводной схеме
Режим работы – измерение сопротивления по трехпроводной схеме (схема на рис. 7)
|Pt 50 (α = 0,00385 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="15" |Ом · 100
| rowspan="15" |°C · 10
| rowspan="2" |±0.4 °С
|Pt 100 (α = 0,00385 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|Pt 500 (α = 0,00385 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="2" |±0.25 °С
|Pt 1000 (α = 0,00385 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|50П (α = 0,00391 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="2" |±0.4 °С
|100П (α = 0,00391 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|500П (α = 0,00391 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="2" |±0.25 °С
|1000П (α = 0,00391 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|50М (α = 0,00428 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="2" |±0.35 °С
|100М (α = 0,00428 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|500М (α = 0,00428 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="3" |±0.25 °С
|1000М (α = 0,00428 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|Ni 100 (α = 0,00617 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
|Ni 500 (α = 0,00617 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
| rowspan="2" |±0.2 °С
|Ni 1000 (α = 0,00617 °C <sup>-1</sup>)
! colspan="7" |Датчики с токовым выходом
Режим работы – измерение тока от 0 до 20 мА (схема на рис. 3)
|от 0 до 5 мА
|мА · 10000
|0 мА = нижняя граница (регистры 0x'''X'''408 / 0x'''X'''409)
5 мА = верхняя граница (регистры 0x'''X'''40A / 0x'''X'''40B)
|±0.25 %
|от 0 до 20 мА
|мА · 10000
|0 мА = нижняя граница (регистры 0x'''X'''408 / 0x'''X'''409)
20 мА = верхняя граница (регистры 0x'''X'''40A / 0x'''X'''40B)
|±0.25 %
|от 4 до 20 мА
|мА · 10000
|4 мА = нижняя граница (регистры 0x'''X'''408 / 0x'''X'''409)
20 мА = верхняя граница (регистры 0x'''X'''40A / 0x'''X'''40B)
|±0.25 %
! colspan="7" |Датчики с выходом "напряжение" в нормальном режиме
Режим работы – измерение напряжения в нормальном режиме от 0 до 2 В (схема на рис. 2)
|от 0 до 1 В
|мВ · 100
|0 В = нижняя граница(регистры 0x'''X'''408 / 0x'''X'''409)
1 В = верхняя граница (регистры 0x'''X'''40A / 0x'''X'''40B)
|±0.2 %
! colspan="7" |Датчики с выходом "напряжение" в дифференциальном режиме
Режим работы – измерение напряжения в дифференциальном режиме от -2 до 2 В (схема на рис. 1)
|от -50 до 50 мВ
|мВ · 100
| -50 мВ = нижняя граница(регистры 0x'''X'''408 / 0x'''X'''409)
50 мВ = верхняя граница (регистры 0x'''X'''40A / 0x'''X'''40B)
|±0.2 %
! colspan="7" |Датчики контактные (сухие)
Режим работы – измерение сопротивления по двухпроводной схеме (схема на рис. 5)
|Сухой контакт
|Ом · 100
|0 - датчик разомкнут или отсутствует
1 - датчик замкнут
! colspan="7" |NTC термисторы
Режим работы - измерение сопротивления через измерение тока (схема на рис. 8)
|NTC 10k (B = 3988 K)
|1 - 4 (авто)
|°C · 10
|Ниже -40 °С: ±1 °С
От -40 до -20 °С: ±0.5 °С
Выше -20 °С: ±0.25 °С
== Примеры конфигурации устройства ==
В таблице 6 приведено несколько примеров конфигурации устройства. Адреса регистров приведены для канала №1. Для использования других каналов адреса следует пересчитать в соответствии с таблицей 3.
В таблице заполнены только те ячейки, которые влияют на конфигурацию входа для измерения сигналов с указанных датчиков. В остальные регистры конфигурации следует записать "0".
{| class="wikitable"
|+Таблица 6. Примеры конфигурации устройства.
! rowspan="2" |Адрес регистра
! colspan="4" |Примеры конфигураций для некоторых датчиков
!Измерение температуры
термопарой K-типа
(подключена к входу IN1).
Схема на рис. 4
!Измерение температуры
термометров сопротивления Pt1000
по трехпроводной схеме
(подключен к входу IN1).
Схема на рис. 7
!Измерение сигнала с
датчика с токовым выходом 4-20 мА
(подключен к входу IN1P).
Схема на рис. 3
!Измерение температуры
10 кОм, B = 3988 K.
Схема на рис. 8
! colspan="5" |Регистры конфигурации
! colspan="5" |Регистры измеренных значений
|Напряжение на термопаре, мВ · 100
|Сопротивление датчика, Ом · 100
|Ток, мА · 10000
|Сопротивление датчика, Ом
|Температура спая, °C · 10
|Температура датчика, °C · 10
|100 - при токе 4 мА; 800 - при токе 20 мА
если значение не в диапазоне [100..800], датчик неисправен или отсутствует
|Температура датчкика, °C · 10

Версия 15:27, 19 июля 2019

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WB-MAI, side view


The analog input module is designed for:

  • voltage measurement;
  • current measurement;
  • resistance measurements on two-wire and three-wire circuits;
  • temperature measurements using thermocouples or resistance thermometers;
  • signal measurements from ratiometric sensors or variable resistors;
  • connection of dry contact and open collector type signals.

The input mode is selected when configuring the instrument. No additional external load/pull-up resistors are required. The device allows you to connect up to 22 different sensors at the same time.

Design: housing on DIN-rail (width 6 units). Supply voltage 12 – 24V.

The module is controlled from the controller or PC via RS-485 bus by Modbus commands.


Table 1. Technical parameters.
Parameter Value
Supply voltage 12 V – 24 V
measurement Channels
Number of channels 11 differential or 22 normal
Voltage measurement -5 – 5 V differential mode

0 – 5 V normal operation

Current measurement 0 – 20 mA
Resistance measurement 0 – 5000 Ohms
Types of thermocouples supported K
Types of resistance thermometers supported Rt50, Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000, 50P, 100P, 500P, 1000P, 50M, 100M, 500M, 1000M, Ni100, Ni500, NI1000
Voltage measurement error ±0.2%
Current measurement error ±0.2%
Error in the measurement of resistance ±0.1% for INxP inputs

±1% for INxN inputs

±(0.1% + 0.003·Rw) for three-wire circuit

Management interface RS-485
Interface isolation Galvanically isolated from measuring circuits
Communication protocol Modbus RTU, address is set by software, factory settings are indicated on the label
RS-485 interface parameters Default speed of 9600 bps; data bits 8; parity N; stop bits 2.

Interface parameters can be configured programmatically:

Ready for operation after power supply 1 c
Size 106.25 x 90.2 x 57.5 mm
operating Conditions
Air temperature
Relative humidity up to 98%, without condensation

Connection diagrams

The module is made in a plastic case and is designed for installation in a mounting box on a DIN rail.

Fig. 1. Voltage measurement in differential mode.

Fig. 1 shows the connection diagram of the sensor with the output type "voltage" in differential mode. This scheme is suitable for sensors whose output voltage can take negative values. Allows you to measure voltages from -5 to 5 V.

Fig. 2. Voltage measurement Fig. 2 shows the voltage measurement circuit relative to the common wire. This scheme allows you to measure only positive voltages from 0 to 5 V. It is possible to connect two sensors to one input. Fig.3. Current measurement. Fig.3 shows the connection diagram of sensors with a current output of 0-20 mA (4-20 mA). Load resistors with a nominal value of 100 Ω built in the device and connect via the software, the configuration process of the device. It is possible to connect two sensors to one input. Fig. 4. The connection of the thermocouple. Fig. 4 shows the K-type thermocouple connection diagram. For correct detection of the absence of thermocouple input filter capacitors are discharged short-term (several µs) pulses with built-in resistors 100 Ohms. It is necessary to keep this in mind, if you connect another source of EMF instead of a thermocouple. The capacitors are only discharged in the "Standard sensors" mode when one of the supported thermocouples is selected. In basic modes, no discharge is performed. Fig. 5. Connection of dry contact sensors and resistance measurement on a two-wire scheme. For rice. 5 shows the connection diagram of the sensors of the dry contact or resistance measurement on a two-wire circuit (shown by the dotted line). When using a two-wire circuit, the resistance of the wires is included in the measurement result. Due to the internal features of the INxP input device, the accuracy of the resistance measurement is greater than that of the INxN inputs. This should be taken into account when connecting the sensors. It is possible to connect two sensors to one input. Fig. 6. Connection of ratiometric sensors. Fig. 6 is the scheme of connection of ratiometric sensors or variable resistors. In this mode, the signal from the sensor is measured as a percentage - from 0% (GND level) to 100% (+5V level). It is possible to connect two sensors to one input. Fig. 7. Resistance measurement by three-wire circuit. Fig. 7 shows a diagram of the resistance measurement of the three-wire circuit. In this mode, the resistance of the wires has almost no effect on the measurement result, provided that all the wires to the sensor are the same. The absolute effect of wire resistance on the final result is 0.003 Rw as opposed to 2Rw (Rw is the resistance of one wire to the sensor) in a two-wire circuit. Fig. 8. Resistance measurement using the current measurement. Fig. 8 shows a diagram of the resistance measurement using the current measurement. This circuit is used to connect an NTC thermistor. In this mode, the device can measure resistance in a wide range - from 150 Ohms to 1 MW. But keep in mind that the lower the resistance of the NTC, the greater the current in the circuit and self-heating NTC (as opposed to the circuits in Fig. 5 and Fig.7, where the current in the circuit is constant regardless of resistance). Therefore, the device artificially reduces the input polling rate depending on the current NTC resistance to compensate for self-heating. It is possible to connect two NTC to one input, but in this case, the polling rate is reduced, because during the survey of one, the current goes through both NTC, which leads to an increase in idle time to compensate for self-heating. To improve the accuracy of high resistance measurements, it is recommended to select the lowest possible data rate - 20 SPS.

Possible combinations of sensors to a single login

Two sensors can be connected to the same input with the following restrictions:

  • If the channel INxP / off, channel, INxN should also be turned off
  • If the channel INxP has a differential type configuration for channel INxN ignored
  • Channel INxN may not have a differential type
  • If the INxP channel is set to current measurement mode, the INxN channel must also be set to current measurement or disabled
  • If the INxP channel is set to resistance or voltage measurement mode, the INxN channel must also be set to resistance or voltage measurement
  • If the channel is configured to INxP mode of resistance measurement using the current measurement, and the channel INxN also have this mode or turned off

Channel settings INxP override the channel settings INxN. If the above conditions are not met, the INxN channel settings are ignored and the channel is disabled. Table 2 shows the possible sensor combinations for a single input.

Table 2. Possible combinations of sensors to one input.
inxp channel connection Diagram Possible inxn circuit
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8
Figure 1

The measurement of the voltage in differential mode

Figure 2

Voltage measurement

Figure 3

Current measurement

Figure 4

The connection of the thermocouple

Figure 5

Connection of "dry contact" sensors and resistance measurement according to two-wire scheme

Figure 6

Connection of ratiometric sensors

Figure 7

Resistance measurement by three-wire circuit

Figure 8

Resistance measurement using the current measurement


Description of Modbus registers

All modbus registers of the device are divided into 3 groups:

  • Device settings
  • The setting of the measurement channels
  • Measured value

The register map is shown in table 3. 'X' in the register address is the entry number from 1 to 11 (0x1 to 0xB).

Table 3. Description of Modbus control registers.
Hex address Dec address Type Read-write Default Format Purpose
Device parameters
0x006E 110 holding RW 96 baud rate / 100 RS-485 port speed, divided by 100. Allowable speed: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
0x006F 111 holding RW 0 0, 1, 2 Configure the RS-485 port parity bit. Valid values: 0 - no parity bit (none), 1 - odd (odd), 2 - even (even)
0x0070 112 holding RW 2 1, 2 Number of stop bits of RS-485 port. Valid values: 1, 2
0x0078 120 holding RW 0 otрук than 0 Restart. Writing to the register causes the module restart without saving state
0x0080 128 holding RW 1 Device Modbus-address
0x00C8 - 0x00CE 200 - 206 input R {'M','A','I',0,0,0} Signature
0x00DC - 0x00F1 220 - 241 input R __date__ __time__ Firmware build date
0x00FA - 0x010D 250 - 269 input R string, null-terminated Firmware version
0x010A - 0x010F 266 - 271 input R Unique identifier(S/N)
The setting of the measurement channels
0xX400 4096·X + 1024 holding RW 0 Тable 4, table 5 Type of sensor connected to INxP channel or to INx in differential mode (see tables 4 and 5)
0xX401 4096·X + 1025 holding RW 0 Table 4, table 5 Type of sensor connected to the INxN channel (see tables 4 and 5)
0xX402 4096·X + 1026 holding RW 0 0, 20, 45, 90, 175, 330, 600, 1000 Data rate for INxP or INx channels in differential mode, SPS. 0 - channel is off
0xX403 4096·X + 1027 holding RW 0 0, 20, 45, 90, 175, 330, 600, 1000 Data rate for INxN channels, SPS. 0 - channel off
0xX404 4096·X + 1028 holding RW 0 0 - 50 Number of continuous measurements for INxP or INx channels in differential mode
0xX405 4096·X + 1029 holding RW 0 0 - 50 Number of continuous measurements for INxN channels
0xX406 4096·X + 1030 holding RW 0 0 - 65000 Characteristic time of lowpass filter for INxP or INx channels in differential mode, ms
0xX407 4096·X + 1031 holding RW 0 0 - 65000 The characteristic time lowpass filter for INxN channels, ms
0xX408 4096·X + 1032 holding RW 0 16-bit signed int The lower limit of the measuring range of the active sensor channels INx INxP or in differential mode
0xX409 4096·X + 1033 holding RW 0 16-bit signed int The lower limit of the measuring range of the active sensor for INxN channels
0xX40A 4096·X + 1034 holding RW 1000 16-bit signed int The upper limit of the measuring range of the active sensor channels INx or INxP in differential mode
0xX40B 4096·X + 1035 holding RW 1000 16-bit signed int The upper limit of the measuring range of the active sensor INxN channels
0xX40C 4096·X + 1036 holding RW 0 0 (авто), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 Gain factor for INxP or INx channels in differential mode
0xX40D 4096·X + 1037 holding RW 0 0 (авто), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 The gain factor for INxN channels
Measured values
0xX500 4096·X + 1280 input R 0 32-bit signed int Measured value for inxp or differential INX channel
0xX502 4096·X + 1282 input R 0 32-bit signed int The measured value for INxN channel
0xX504 4096·X + 1284 input R 0 16-bit signed int Converted to physical quantity value for inxp channel or differential INx channel
0xX505 4096·X + 1285 input R 0 16-bit signed int Converted into physical quantity value for channel INxN
0xX506 4096·X + 1286 input R 1 16-bit signed int The current gain factor for channel INxP or differential channels INx
0xX507 4096·X + 1287 input R 1 16-bit signed int The current gain factor for channel INxN
0x0600 1536 input R 0 16-bit signed int Terminal voltage +5V, мВ
0x0601 1537 input R 0 16-bit signed int Temperature inside the device, °C·100

Since each input supports and differential (scheme in Fig. 1,4,7) and normal mode (scheme in Fig. 2,3,5,6) operation, the sensor type is set for inxp and INxN inputs separately in the respective registers 0xX400 и 0xX401, where X is the input number from 1 to 11 in hexadecimal (0x1 to 0xB).

If the channel is set to automatic gain factor, the channel polling rate may be reduced by requiring multiple measurements to match the gain factor.

Only gain factors 1, 2 and 4 are available for normal channel operation.

If the differential mode was set for INxP input, the values of the configuration register INxN inputs are ignored. Only normal mode can be installed for inputs INxN.

Description of device operation modes

The device allows you to configure the following operating modes for each input:

  • Voltage measurement relative to +5V (in differential or normal mode)
  • Voltage measurement (differential or normal mode)
  • Resistance measurement (in differential or normal mode)
  • Current measurement (normal mode only)
  • Resistance measurement via current measurement (normal mode only)

Table 4 provides a complete description of all possible operating modes. These modes are "basic", the measurement of signals from standard sensors is based on them.

The registers "sensor type" (0xX400, 0xX401) for each input can store codes from table 4 or from table 5. To measure non-standard values, you can select the input type and the measurement range manually from table 4.

Table 4. Description of the device operation modes.
Measurable type


Input mode Code




Description Gain factor Measuring range Error Output format




относительно +5В

Нормальный 0x0000 0 Измерение напряжения с ратиометрических датчиков (схема на рис. 6)

Измерение напряжения от 0 до 5В (схема на рис. 2)

1 0...(+5V) ±0.1% % · 100
2 0...(+5V / 2)
4 0...(+5V / 4)
Дифференциальный 0x0100 256 Измерение напряжения в дифференциальном режиме от -5 до 5 В (схема на рис. 1) 1 ± (+5V) ±0.1%
2 ± (+5V / 2)
4 ± (+5V / 4)


Нормальный 0x0001 1 Измерение напряжения в нормальном режиме от 0 до 2 В (схема на рис. 2) 1 0...2048 мВ ±0.2% мВ · 100
2 0...1024 мВ
4 0...512 мВ
Дифференциальный 0x0101 257 Измерение напряжения в дифференциальном режиме от -2 до 2 В (схема на рис. 1)

Измерение напряжения с термопары (схема на рис. 4)

1 ± 2048 мВ ±0.2%
2 ± 1024 мВ
4 ± 512 мВ
8 ± 256 мВ ±0.25%
16 ± 128 мВ
32 ± 64 мВ
64 ± 32 мВ
128 ± 16 мВ



для входов INxP

0x0002 2 Измерение сопротивления по двухпроводной схеме (схема на рис. 5)

Подключение датчиков типа "сухой контакт" (схема на рис. 5)

1 0...5000 Ом ±0.1% Ом · 100
2 0...2550 Ом
4 0...1275 Ом

для входов INxN

1 0...5100 Ом ±1% номинальная

±6% максимальная

2 0...2550 Ом
4 0...1275 Ом

(трехпроводная схема)

0x0102 258 Измерение сопротивления по трехпроводной схеме (схема на рис. 7) 1 0...5000 Ом ±0.1%
2 0...2550 Ом
4 0...1275 Ом


Нормальный 0x0003 3 Измерение тока от 0 до 20 мА (схема на рис. 3) 1 0...20.48 мА ±0.2% мА · 10000
2 0...10.24 мА
4 0...5.12 мА
Измерение сопротивления

через измерение тока в цепи

Нормальный 0x0004 4 Измерение сопротивления NTC-термистора (схема на рис. 8)

Ток в цепи идет только в момент опроса текущего входа, во время опроса остальных входов

ток не идет, в отличие от режиме "измерение тока", где ток идет всегда.

1 200 Ом .. 250 кОм ±3% в конце диапазона

±1,5% в середине диапазона

±0.5% в начале диапазона

2 500 Ом .. 500 кОм
4 1200 Ом .. 1 МОм

Типы поддерживаемых стандартных датчиков

Поддерживаемые типы стандартных датчиков приведены в таблице 5. При использовании стандартных датчиков значения регистров 0xX40A и 0xX40B (коэффициент усиления) игнорируется. Стандартные датчики имеют код 0x1XXX.

Таблица 5. Типы стандартных датчиков
Код датчика


Код датчика


Описание Коэффициент



сырых данных


пересчитанных данных

Термоэлектрические преобразователи

Режим работы – измерение напряжения с термопары (схема на рис. 4)

0x1000 4096 ТХА (K) 32 мВ · 100 °C · 10 ±0.5 °С
Термометры сопротивления по двухпроводной схеме

Режим работы – измерение сопротивления по двухпроводной схеме (схема на рис. 5)

0x1100 4352 Pt 50 (α = 0,00385 °C -1) 4 Ом · 100 °C · 10 ±0.4 °С
0x1101 4353 Pt 100 (α = 0,00385 °C -1) 4
0x1102 4354 Pt 500 (α = 0,00385 °C -1) 2 ±0.25 °С
0x1103 4355 Pt 1000 (α = 0,00385 °C -1) 1
0x1110 4368 50П (α = 0,00391 °C -1) 4 ±0.4 °С
0x1111 4369 100П (α = 0,00391 °C -1) 4
0x1112 4370 500П (α = 0,00391 °C -1) 2 ±0.25 °С
0x1113 4371 1000П (α = 0,00391 °C -1) 1
0x1120 4384 50М (α = 0,00428 °C -1) 4 ±0.35 °С
0x1121 4385 100М (α = 0,00428 °C -1) 4
0x1122 4386 500М (α = 0,00428 °C -1) 4 ±0.25 °С
0x1123 4387 1000М (α = 0,00428 °C -1) 2
0x1130 4400 Ni 100 (α = 0,00617 °C -1) 4
0x1131 4401 Ni 500 (α = 0,00617 °C -1) 2 ±0.2 °С
0x1132 4402 Ni 1000 (α = 0,00617 °C -1) 1
Термометры сопротивления по трехпроводной схеме

Режим работы – измерение сопротивления по трехпроводной схеме (схема на рис. 7)

0x1200 4608 Pt 50 (α = 0,00385 °C -1) 4 Ом · 100 °C · 10 ±0.4 °С
0x1201 4609 Pt 100 (α = 0,00385 °C -1) 4
0x1202 4610 Pt 500 (α = 0,00385 °C -1) 2 ±0.25 °С
0x1203 4611 Pt 1000 (α = 0,00385 °C -1) 1
0x1210 4624 50П (α = 0,00391 °C -1) 4 ±0.4 °С
0x1211 4625 100П (α = 0,00391 °C -1) 4
0x1212 4626 500П (α = 0,00391 °C -1) 2 ±0.25 °С
0x1213 4627 1000П (α = 0,00391 °C -1) 1
0x1220 4640 50М (α = 0,00428 °C -1) 4 ±0.35 °С
0x1221 4641 100М (α = 0,00428 °C -1) 4
0x1222 4642 500М (α = 0,00428 °C -1) 4 ±0.25 °С
0x1223 4643 1000М (α = 0,00428 °C -1) 2
0x1230 4656 Ni 100 (α = 0,00617 °C -1) 4
0x1231 4657 Ni 500 (α = 0,00617 °C -1) 2 ±0.2 °С
0x1232 4658 Ni 1000 (α = 0,00617 °C -1) 1
Датчики с токовым выходом

Режим работы – измерение тока от 0 до 20 мА (схема на рис. 3)

0x1300 4864 от 0 до 5 мА 4 мА · 10000 0 мА = нижняя граница (регистры 0xX408 / 0xX409)

5 мА = верхняя граница (регистры 0xX40A / 0xX40B)

±0.25 %
0x1301 4865 от 0 до 20 мА 1 мА · 10000 0 мА = нижняя граница (регистры 0xX408 / 0xX409)

20 мА = верхняя граница (регистры 0xX40A / 0xX40B)

±0.25 %
0x1302 4866 от 4 до 20 мА 1 мА · 10000 4 мА = нижняя граница (регистры 0xX408 / 0xX409)

20 мА = верхняя граница (регистры 0xX40A / 0xX40B)

±0.25 %
Датчики с выходом "напряжение" в нормальном режиме

Режим работы – измерение напряжения в нормальном режиме от 0 до 2 В (схема на рис. 2)

0x1400 5120 от 0 до 1 В 2 мВ · 100 0 В = нижняя граница(регистры 0xX408 / 0xX409)

1 В = верхняя граница (регистры 0xX40A / 0xX40B)

±0.2 %
Датчики с выходом "напряжение" в дифференциальном режиме

Режим работы – измерение напряжения в дифференциальном режиме от -2 до 2 В (схема на рис. 1)

0x1500 5376 от -50 до 50 мВ 32 мВ · 100 -50 мВ = нижняя граница(регистры 0xX408 / 0xX409)

50 мВ = верхняя граница (регистры 0xX40A / 0xX40B)

±0.2 %
Датчики контактные (сухие)

Режим работы – измерение сопротивления по двухпроводной схеме (схема на рис. 5)

0x1600 5632 Сухой контакт 1 Ом · 100 0 - датчик разомкнут или отсутствует

1 - датчик замкнут

NTC термисторы

Режим работы - измерение сопротивления через измерение тока (схема на рис. 8)

0x1700 5888 NTC 10k (B = 3988 K) 1 - 4 (авто) Ом °C · 10 Ниже -40 °С: ±1 °С

От -40 до -20 °С: ±0.5 °С

Выше -20 °С: ±0.25 °С

Примеры конфигурации устройства

В таблице 6 приведено несколько примеров конфигурации устройства. Адреса регистров приведены для канала №1. Для использования других каналов адреса следует пересчитать в соответствии с таблицей 3.

В таблице заполнены только те ячейки, которые влияют на конфигурацию входа для измерения сигналов с указанных датчиков. В остальные регистры конфигурации следует записать "0".

Таблица 6. Примеры конфигурации устройства.
Адрес регистра Примеры конфигураций для некоторых датчиков
Измерение температуры

термопарой K-типа

(подключена к входу IN1).

Схема на рис. 4

Измерение температуры

термометров сопротивления Pt1000

по трехпроводной схеме

(подключен к входу IN1).

Схема на рис. 7

Измерение сигнала с

датчика с токовым выходом 4-20 мА

(подключен к входу IN1P).

Схема на рис. 3

Измерение температуры


10 кОм, B = 3988 K.

Схема на рис. 8

Регистры конфигурации
0x1400 0x1000 0x1203 0x1302 0x1700
0x1402 20 20 20 20
0x1404 0 0 0 0
0x1406 100
0x1408 800
Регистры измеренных значений
0x1500 Напряжение на термопаре, мВ · 100 Сопротивление датчика, Ом · 100 Ток, мА · 10000 Сопротивление датчика, Ом
0x1504 Температура спая, °C · 10 Температура датчика, °C · 10 100 - при токе 4 мА; 800 - при токе 20 мА

если значение не в диапазоне [100..800], датчик неисправен или отсутствует

Температура датчкика, °C · 10