Firmware image building

Версия от 14:01, 3 июня 2019; RomanKulibaba (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «* Firmware update * Wiren Board 5: Восстановление прошивки/en|Wiren Board…»)

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A special set of scripts has been prepared to build the controller firmware images. The image build process consists of two steps:

  1. Preparing the root filesystem (rootfs)
  2. Build an image to upload to the controller

The scripts are located in the wirenboard repository. Then the paths will be indicated from the repository folder

Build an image to upload to the controller

Preparing rootfs

The script for preparing the root FS is located in the rootfs folder.

How to use script:

 $ ./ <path_to_new_rootfs> <board_ver> [<list of additional repos>]


  • path_to_new_rootfs - the name of the directory in which to create the root filesystem. The directory will be created automatically;
  • board_ver - controller revision version. Valid values:
    • 5 - for Wiren Board 5
    • 55 - for Wiren Board 5.5
    • 4 - for Wiren Board 4
    • 32 - for WB Smart Home (3.2)
    • 28
    • NETMON
    • MKA3
    • CQC10
    • MKA31
    • AC-E1
  • list of additional repos -addresses of additional repositories with test packages (see below). This parameter is optional.

Example. Build basic (without additional repositories) root FS in the directory rootfs/rootfs for Wiren Board 5.5:

 $ cd rootfs
 $ ./ ./rootfs/ 55

Additional repositories

Additional repositories are necessary if you want to add your own versions of packages to the root FS being built.

Only the address of the repository are sent to the script. For example:

 $ ./ ./rootfs/ 55

The format of the repositories corresponds to the one created by the wbrepo utility. Specifically, the additional repository has the following requirements:

E.g., if the repository address is passed http://localhost:8086/, then in sources.list it will be presented as

 deb http://localhost:8086/ testing main

Build an image to upload to the controller

TODO: this section is incomplete

The scripts for building images are located in the images directory. Before you build the image, you need a ready-made root FS.

Additionally, the host machine will require utilities (names are given for Debian/Ubuntu):

  • kpartx
  • device-tree-compiler
  • u-boot-tools

Example: building firmware for Wiren Board 5, the root filesystem is located here: rootfs/rootfs/:

 $ cd image
 $ ./ ../rootfs/rootfs/ <tag>

Here tag is the suffix to be added to the image file name.

The finished image will lie in the path image/image/wb5/<current_datetime>/<current_datetime>_emmc_<tag>.img.

See also