Версия от 12:59, 7 июня 2019; RomanKulibaba (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «You need the GSM line discipline to be supportred in the kernel (included as a module in the standard firmware). A special daemon<b> cmux</b> sends the modem into…»)

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Modem operation in CMUX mode is an experimental function and may not work "out of the box". Performance is not guaranteed.

he modem supports multiplexing mode - creating virtual ports through which you can simultaneously work with the modem. For example, through one port you can open a PPP session for GPRS, and through another you can receive and send SMS, check the balance, etc.

You need the GSM line discipline to be supportred in the kernel (included as a module in the standard firmware). A special daemon cmux sends the modem into CMUX mode, then creates four virtual ports, /dev/ttyGSM[1-4] . The closure of the demon cmux to close all virtual ports will lead to a kernel panic!

Демон cmux


Оригинальный автор: [1]

Демон установлен по-умолчанию как "/usr/bin/cmux", доступен в пакете cmux. Скачать бинарник демона можно здесь

Пример работы

Включаем модем:

root@wirenboard:~# wb-gsm on

Запускаем демон cmux:

root@wirenboard:~# cmux
SERIAL_PORT = /dev/ttyAPP0
AAAT    : AAAT   OK  
AT+IFC=2: AT+IFC=2,2   OK  
AT      : AT   OK  
Line dicipline set
Created /dev/ttyGSM1
Created /dev/ttyGSM2
Created /dev/ttyGSM3
Created /dev/ttyGSM4
Going to background

Теперь общение с модемом можно производить в любом из каналов /dev/ttyGSMx