WBIO-AI-DV-12 I/O Module

Версия от 20:38, 15 июля 2019; RomanKulibaba (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «'''Warning, the information below is outdated and will be deleted!'''»)

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The module is designed for industrial and home automation systems and is used to measure the values of analog signals. Typical applications of the module can be considered as receiving data with analog thermometers or measurement of the stresses for each element batteries.

IMPORTANT: unlike other WBIO modules, only one instance can be connected to a single controller or interface module.

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For a description of the current input module WBIO-AI-DV-12_4-20 mA, see separate page.


The module contains 12 universal analog inputs combined into 6 pairs of differential inputs. In unipolar mode, the voltage is measured relative to the iGND line.

Each of the six pairs can be configured to work as:

  • 2 unipolar voltage inputs 0 — 2.5 V
  • 1 differential voltage input ±400 mV
  • 1 ±50 V differential voltage input

For easy connection, each pair of inputs is output to one of 6 terminals. In addition to the inputs, each terminal block has +5 V and iGND lines, but the maximum current flowing through the +5 V line must not exceed 0.5 A. Thus, each terminal block has: +5 V, 2 analog inputs and iGND.

The measurement modes are set by means of jumpers inside the module body. The module is galvanically isolated from the controller circuits, including iGND line.

Technical specifications


Parameter Value
Number of inputs 12 (unipolar)
6 (differential)
Input type voltage measurement
Galvanic isolation group, from controller circuits, 1 kV
±50 V Mode
Measured voltage -50 To ... +50 Volts
Allowable voltage -100 Volts ... +100 V DC
Input impedance 50 kω
0-2,5 V Mode
Measured voltage 0...2.5 Volts
Allowable voltage -50 To ... +50 V DC
Input impedance >3 MOhm
Input impedance 50 Ohms
Inaccuracy of measurements 1%
Module type "I" (inverted address scheme)
Maximum power consumption 0.25 W
Width, DIN units 3
Overall dimensions (l x W x h) 53.30 x 90.2 x 57.50 mm
Terminals and wire section
The recommended wire cross section with pin bushing insulated tip, mm2 0,75 — 1
Standard sleeve length of pin bushing insulated tip, mm 8
Tightening torque of screws, Н∙м 0,2

The setting of the operation modes

This module has several modes of operation (they are described in the table below). Changing the operating mode is carried out by installing jumpers inside the device.

Dependence of the input operation mode on the installed jumper
The presence of the jumper Operating mode
No Unipolar input voltage 0 — 2.5 V
Differential voltage input ±400 mV
Differential voltage input ±50 V

0 — 2.5 V unipolar voltage input

To set the input to this mode, you must set the appropriate setting in the web interface of the controller (for details, see connection section). The jumper on the contact group related to this input, is not set.

Differential voltage input is ±400 mV

The principle of operation of the differential input is to compare the two values and output the difference between them as readings. Accordingly, to activate this mode, it is necessary to use two adjacent inputs: inputs 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6, etc. in this Case, both jumpers on the contact groups related to the involved differential inputs, are not installed, and in the web interface of the controller for these inputs should be set to Voltage, 0-2.5 V'.

Differential voltage input is ±50 V

This mode also uses two adjacent analog inputs. You should to install jumpers to the contacts pertaining to both inputs. In the web interface of the controller,select the "Voltage, +- 50V" mode for both inputs (for details, see connection section).

In this mode, the voltage difference applied to the corresponding analog inputs will be measured.

Installing jumpers

Installation of jumpers is carried out on the contact groups related to the corresponding inputs. To do this, remove the top cover of the device by pulling it through special holes with a flat screwdriver. Remove and install jumpers can be, for example, tweezers. If, due to any circumstances, the installation of jumpers through the removed top cover is difficult, it is necessary to disassemble the device, observing the following procedure:

  1. Remove the terminals.
  2. Remove the back cover of the device by bending 4 latches in turn around the perimeter. It is necessary to unbend latches a flat subject (for example, a screwdriver), without making thus big efforts and at the same time disconnecting the case and a back cover.
  3. Release the board from the top of the case. To do this, you need to release the device from all connected terminals, and then slightly bend the body in the place indicated in the figure and release the edge of the Board. The remaining edge of the Board (with protruding contacts) will be released without difficulty.
  4. Having installed the necessary jumpers, the device is assembled in the reverse order (i.e. from the institution to the body of the edge of the Board with protruding contacts).

Файл:DV12 Razor.png
Module with removed cover
Rear cover removal

Each input has its own contact group (pin connectors on the board). Contact groups are located opposite the terminal block of the corresponding input and are marked with a sticker on the body, signed on the Board itself and shown in the figure. In the figure given as an example, you can see that the jumpers are installed on inputs 2 and 3 at the moment.

Connection to the controller

Unlike other WBIO modules, only one instance can be connected to a single controller or interface module.

To connect, you need to dock the WBIO-AI-DV-12 module to the right of the WIren Board controller, making sure that all the connector pins on the module get into the corresponding connector holes on the controller. Next, you should go to the web interface of the controller (read more about the web interface in relevant section), go to the tab 'Configs' and select/etc/wb-hardware.conf. Next, in the drop-down list, select the module name WBIO-AI-DV-12 Analog Inputs.

Desired configuration file
Module selection

Now you can activate the desired mode in the Channels tab. Channels are denoted as Channel Ax, where 'x' corresponds to the entry number. To activate the desired mode of operation of the input, you must select the following settings:

0 — 2.5 V single-pole voltage input or ±400 mV differential voltage input
Voltage, 0-2.5 V
±50 V single-pole or differential voltage input
Voltage +/-50V

Note: to activate the differential mode of the inputs, you need to set the appropriate setting on the of both inputs.

After the necessary settings and saving changes, the device will be displayed in the Devicestab.

login mode Settings
Display inputs with different operating modes

For more information, see Activating a new module in the controller web interface. Unlike other modules, WBIO-AI-DV-12 can be connected with the ninth module in the line of side modules. However, it must occupy the first, fifth or ninth position in the line.

Connection via WB-MIO interface converter

Unlike other WBIO modules, only one instance can be connected to a single controller or interface module.

the value of the scale factor of the dimensions scale is chosen equal to 0.2126 for measuring voltage of ±50 V
View of the WBIO-AI-DV-12 module connected via the WB-MIO converter in the controller web interface

The WBIO-AI-DV-12 module can also be connected via the interface Converter WB-MIO. Two device templates can be used: WBIO-AI-DV-12-50V and WBIO-AI-DV-12. If they are not in the Configurator, you need to update wb-mqtt-serial with apt-get update && apt-get install wb-mqtt-serial. The WBIO-AI-DV-12-50V template is designed for devices where jumpers are installed (voltage measurement on differential inputs in the range from 0 to 50 V), and the WBIO-AI-DV-12 template is for devices with removed jumpers (voltage measurement on differential inputs from 0 to 400 mV, on unipolar — from 0 to 2.5 V).

Warning, the information below is outdated and will be deleted!

Ранее при подключении модуля через WB-MIO или WB-MIO-E отсутсвовала возможность выбора режима входов из web-интерфейса. Мы рекомендовали создать копии шаблона config-wbio-ai-dv-12-single.json, хранящийся на контроллере в директории /usr/share/wb-mqtt-serial/templates/config-wbio-ai-dv-12-single.json , и внести изменения в копию (файл должен иметь другое имя). При этом необходимо было изменить в шаблоне тип устройства, например на "device_type": "WBIO-AI-DV-12-Single-50v",. После этого было необходимо перезапустить службу wb-mqtt-confed и обновить веб страницу, чтобы новый тип устройства стал доступен в конфигурации.

Для каждого канала можно указывать свой коэффициента пересчета (масштаб), соответствующий режиму измерения. Рестартуйте сервис wb-mqtt-serial после внесения изменений: > service wb-mqtt-serial restart
> service wb-mqtt-confed restart
Наиболее правильным способом является установка параметра масштаба измерений в настройке каналов в конфигурации устройства. Допустим, мы хотим измерять на первом дифференциальном входе напряжение в дианазоне ±50 В. Для этого выполняем следующие настройки. В свойствах устройства добавляем список каналов (List if channels), щелкнув на кнопке Properties, а затем добавляем канал, щелкнув на кнопке +Item. В настройках канала оставляем только поле для указания коэффициента пересчета (Scale (value multiplier)), остальные опции отключаем: Указываем имя канала (как в интерфейсе) и коэффициент пересчета. Сохраняем изменения кнопкой Save вверху экрана.

Добавляем список каналов
Оставляем только масштаб
Задаем имя канала и коэффициент пересчета

Зависимость режима работы входа от установленной перемычки и фактора масштабирования
Наличие перемычки Тип входа Режим работы Значение scale
Нет Однополярный Вход напряжения 0 — 2,5 В 0.01
Дифференциальный Вход напряжения ±400 мВ 0.01
Дифференциальный Вход напряжения ±50 В 0.2126

Изображения и чертежи устройства

По ссылкам ниже вы можете скачать изображения и чертежи устройства WBIO-AI-DV-12.

Corel Draw 2018: WBIO-AI-DV-12.cdr.zip

Corel Draw PDF: WBIO-AI-DV-12.cdr.pdf

Autocad 2013 DXF: Мы еще не подготовили чертеж этого устройства. Вы можете запросить чертеж устройства "analog WBIO-AI-DV-12" на портале техподдержки Wiren Board (необходима регистрация).