Версия от 20:16, 18 июля 2019; RomanKulibaba (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «All messages from the KNX bus will be delivered to the MQTT topic /devices/knx/controls/data in the form:»)

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Devices using the KNX Protocol.

Package: wb-mqtt-knx Source code:

wb-mqtt-knx sends KNX telegrams from the specialized MQTT topic to the KNX network and back. To work with KNX, KNXD is used-


wb-mqtt-knx in Wiren Board controllers is installed via apt-get:

$ apt-get install wb-mqtt-knx


At the moment, wb-mqtt-knx does not have a configuration file.

Information on setting up knxd can be found in the configuration file /etc/knxd.conf - and in

$ knxd --help

Адреса в MQTT

Default MQTT topics are:

/devices/knx/meta/name wb-knx
/devices/knx/controls/data/meta/type data

Input data:


Outgoing data:



$ mosquitto_sub -t '/devices/knx/#' -v
/devices/knx/controls/data/meta/type data
/devices/knx/meta/name wb-knx

$ mosquitto_pub -t '/devices/knx/controls/data/on' -m "i:0/0/1:9/7/55 GroupValueWrite 0b110111 0xcf 14 0xff"

/devices/knx/controls/data/on i:0/0/1:9/7/55 GroupValueWrite 0b110111 0xcf 14 0xff
/devices/knx/controls/data i:0/0/1 i:9/7/55 GroupValueWrite 0x37 0xcf 0x0e 0xff

$ mosquitto_pub -t '/devices/knx/controls/data/on' -m "g:9/7/55 GroupValueRead"

/devices/knx/controls/data/on g:9/7/55 GroupValueRead
/devices/knx/controls/data i:0/0/0 g:9/7/55 GroupValueRead 0x00

Format MQTT messages

To send a group telegram to KNX, you must send the prepared message to the MQTT topic:

mosquitto_pub -t '/devices/knx/controls/data/on' -m "g:${DstAddr} ${APCI} ${Data}"

To send an individual telegram to KNX, you must send:

mosquitto_pub -t '/devices/knx/controls/data/on' -m "i:${SrcAddr}:${DstAddr} ${APCI} ${Data}"

All messages from the KNX bus will be delivered to the MQTT topic /devices/knx/controls/data in the form:

i:${SrcAddr} [i,g]:${DstAddr} ${APCI} ${Data}
  • SrcAddr, DstAddr - Адреса KNX устройств в формате "n/n/n" или "n/n".
  • APCI - Тип сообщения: строка или 4х-битное число.
  • Data - Сообщение в виде байт, разделенных пробелами. Первый байт сообщения должен иметь длину не более 6 бит.

Поддерживаемые типы сообщений(APCI):

  • GroupValueRead
  • GroupValueResponse
  • GroupValueWrite
  • IndividualAddrWrite
  • IndividualAddrRequest
  • IndividualAddrResponse
  • AdcRead
  • AdcResponse
  • MemoryRead
  • MemoryRead
  • MemoryWrite
  • UserMessage
  • MaskVersionRead
  • MaskVersionResponse
  • Restart
  • Escape
  • любое 4х-битное числовое значение