Includes. Relay tuning

Версия от 11:53, 24 апреля 2020; Fizikdaos (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «There could be no registers 9 etc. in outdated firmware. You can only set mode for all their channels at once. To do so, write corresponding number to holding reg…»)

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Device Setup

Device Setup

In this mode, when the Modbus communication is terminated, the device disconnects the relay after a specified time.

To enable Safety timer, you must write a value other than 0 to the storage register with the WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER command at 8. This value is a timeout in seconds. A value of "0" disables safe mode.

Relay operation in case of power failure

In the latest firmware versions (starting with 1.5.3) for WB-MR devices, it is now possible to remember the output status when power is off. The mode is controlled by the Modbus register 6. If the register is set to '0', the state of the outputs will not be saved and all relays will be switched off when power is supplied. If the entry in the register unit, when the power is resumed everything is included before the crash relay is switched on again.

Digital inputs

The input state can be obtained by reading the Discrete Inputs 0—x registers (where x = (number of managed channels - 1)). If the input is connected to GND, the register value is 1, if not connected - it's 0.

Modes of interaction between digital inputs and relay outputs

You can enable direct control of the relay outputs from the digital inputs in the relay module. There are several options for such management:

       Mode 0: managing switch without detent (click "self-released back"). You press the button (close the digital input with GND), it is "pressed back", the relay state is switched to the opposite.
       Mode 1: switch control with locking. The relay is always set according to the position of the switch. If the switch is "on" (closes the digital input with GND), the relay is also closed. If the switch is "off", the relay is open.
       Mode 3: relay output control from digital input is disabled. 
       Mapping-matrix (see detailed description below)

The mode set separately for each channel. To select mode, write mode number to corresponding holding register, starting with register 9 for the first channel etc. You should keep default value in register 5.

There could be no registers 9 etc. in outdated firmware. You can only set mode for all their channels at once. To do so, write corresponding number to holding register 5.


Начиная с прошивки 1.9.0 для отдельных каналов предусмотрен также режим 2 -- отключить все выходы, и режимы работы (4 и 5) в соответствии с mappig-матрицей (смотри далее). В этой и более поздних версиях прошивок в модулях реализована возможность более гибкой настройки взаимодействия входов и выходов релейных модулей при помощи специальной mapping-матрицы: таблицы, в которой для каждого входа при изменении его состояния кодируется изменение состояние любого релейного выхода. Подробное описание можно найти в статье I/O_Mapping_Matrix.