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Wiren Board offers both ready web-interface and capabilities for its development. Source code of all software is open.


Главная страница веб-интерфейса

Wiren Board 4 features built-in, local web-interface. This is a convenient way to control connected devices and monitor connected sensors.

How to enter the interface

Just enter IP address of the controller into address line of your browser. Ref. also the article How to know IP-address of the controller.

What to do with the interface?

  • control the connected devices
  • read the sensors
  • assemble devices and sensors into panels (Dashboards)

See more at Wiren Board 4:Web-interface

Wiren Board software architecture

Operating system

Wiren Board runs under a standard configuration of Debian Linux 7.0. There is an official version of the system suitable for architecture of the used processor. That's why it is possible to find any package in the standard repository and install it by one command (apt-get install).

Repository and Git

We also maintain our own debian repository releases.contactless.ru, which contains packages developed specially for the controller. By default, this repository is listed in Wiren Board software image (file /etc/apt/sources.list).

All the source code is available at Github. It is where you can find examples for development of your custom software.


Wiren Board uses the MQTT message queue (Wikipedia article) as a single standard to gather information from internal modules (relays, ADS, etc.) and external devices (1-Wire sensors, Modbus devices). All these modules and external devices are provided with drivers that transfers data to the MQTT message system and back again. Web-interface also takes data from this message system and sends there all changes made by the user (for example, a relay activation command). The message queue is also used by the rules engine.

See more at MQTT.


See more at Wiren Board 4:Web-interface

Web-interface operates directly at Wiren Board. A simple web-server webfsd is used to run it. The site itself is written in AngularJS and interacts with MQTT via WebSocket.

Rules engine

It is possible to create rules, for example "if reading of the temperature sensor is lower than 18°С, activate the heater". Rules are written in Javascript language. Ref. wb-rules Rules Engine for more information.

How to interact with controller modules and IO ports in custom programs




