
Версия от 09:42, 31 марта 2023; FuzzyBot (обсуждение | вклад) (FuzzyBot переименовал страницу Translations:GSM/GPRS/39/en в Translations:Modem-stretch/39/en без оставления перенаправления: Часть переводимой страницы GSM/GPRS.)
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Important! By default, the ppp0 interface does not add a new default route via ppp during initialization, if such a route exists and is configured, for example, via eth0. If required, you can modify the routing table through scripts in the ip-down.d, ip-up.d directories. In the simplest case, you can assign different metrics to the default gateways, so that if one falls, the second begins to be used. However, the situation, when the interface is operating normally but the traffic does not pass at the provider level, makes such a mechanism unusable. See the next section on how to use a ppp connection as a backup.