
After installation, the Wiren Board section will appear in the left panel.


After you have installed WB Nodes, you need to set up a connection to the MQTT broker of the Wiren Board controller:

  1. Add a WB-input node to the workspace, which is located in the left panel, in the Wiren Board section.
  2. Double click on it, the Edit in node window will open.
  3. Find the field Server and click on the pencil button. The Add new wirenboard-server config node window will open.
  4. Fill in the Name, Host and MQTT Port fields. If Node-RED is installed on the controller, enter localhost in the Host field. Enter an arbitrary name in the Name field, and 1883 in the MQTT Port field.
  5. Save the server settings by clicking on the Done button.
  6. Close the Edit in node window by clicking on Cancel.

After setting up the connection, apply the server setting by clicking the Deploy button on the top right. Only after that the list of channels of the Wiren Board controller will be available.