
Версия от 19:42, 25 июля 2022; A.Degtyarev (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Also, the value can be obtained in manual mode: Low-level work with ADC.»)

Как получить напряжение с АЦП

  1. Voltage must be within acceptable range.
  2. Ax terminal blocks perform two functions: ADC and low voltage load control. Before measuring voltage, set the corresponding low voltage load control output to the "off" position. For example, if you are connecting to terminal A1, disable A1_OUT in the web interface (section Relays & FETs).
  3. Connect your source to the terminal. The voltage value will immediately appear in the web interface on the ADCs. The value is also translated into the MQTT message system.

Also, the value can be obtained in manual mode: Low-level work with ADC.

Input voltage

The wb-homa-adc daemon translates the value to the MQQT message queue in the /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin topic. Therefore, the value is displayed in the web interface as the Vin channel of the ADCs device

ADC list for WB6 controller

В Wiren Board 6 каналы АЦП процессора подключены к клеммникам A1-A4. Также на АЦП заведено входное напряжение (после входных диодов) и напряжение на клемме 5Vout.