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Wbincludes:1-Wire Network/en: различия между версиями

Новая страница: «'''This method is not recommended''', especially for connecting several sensors: the current from the data line may not be enough for all sensors, besides, polling slows down - time is spent on charging the internal capacitances of the sensors with voltage from the data line.»
(Новая страница: «<h3>1-Wire busbar</h3>»)
(Новая страница: «'''This method is not recommended''', especially for connecting several sensors: the current from the data line may not be enough for all sensors, besides, polling slows down - time is spent on charging the internal capacitances of the sensors with voltage from the data line.»)
Строка 29: Строка 29:
* For laying a long bus or in conditions of increased interference (for example, in a shield) - use a twisted pair cable, for example, Cat 5, better shielded.
* For laying a long bus or in conditions of increased interference (for example, in a shield) - use a twisted pair cable, for example, Cat 5, better shielded.

<div lang="ru" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
A twisted-pair connection is a signal on one core of the pair, ground on the second, and similarly power supply: plus power on one core of the pair, minus on the second. Connect the power negative to signal ground. Connect the screen on one side to the minus power supply.
Подключение по витой паре — это сигнал по одной жиле пары, земля по второй и аналогично питание: плюс питания по одной жиле пары, минус по второй. Минус питания соединить с сигнальной землёй. Экран с одной стороны соединить с минусом питания.