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Translations:CAN/21/en: различия между версиями

Новая страница: «==== Using standard linux tools (automatically) ==== The '''Network Interfaces''' section of the web interface is a wrapper around the <code>/etc/network/interfaces</code> file, so CAN configuration can be done using the debian network management service. For this you need: # Add to <code>/etc/network/interfaces</code> an entry like this: #:<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> allow-hotplug can0 iface can0 can static bitrate 125000 </syntaxhighlight> # Switch RS-48...»
(Новая страница: «==== Using standard linux tools (automatically) ==== The '''Network Interfaces''' section of the web interface is a wrapper around the <code>/etc/network/interfaces</code> file, so CAN configuration can be done using the debian network management service. For this you need: # Add to <code>/etc/network/interfaces</code> an entry like this: #:<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> allow-hotplug can0 iface can0 can static bitrate 125000 </syntaxhighlight> # Switch RS-48...»)
(нет различий)
translator, wb_editors
