Translations:WBE2-I-1-WIRE 1-Wire Extension Module/6/en

Материал из Wiren Board
Версия от 10:56, 27 июня 2019; RomanKulibaba (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «The device is detected immediately, no reboot is required. After adding the device the output of the dmesg command will display a message <code>i2c-gpio mod1_i2c:…»)
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The device is detected immediately, no reboot is required. After adding the device the output of the dmesg command will display a message i2c-gpio mod1_i2c: using pins 24 (SDA) and 25 (SCL)


1-Wire extension module

After the sensors are connected to the controller, they appear in the Devices, column 1-wire Thermometers.