Translations:WB-MSW v.3 Modbus Sensor/53/en

Материал из Wiren Board
Версия от 15:49, 24 июля 2019; RomanKulibaba (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Volatile organic compounds constitute the volatile substances released in the atmosphere as gases. The sensor determines the total concentration of volatile organ…»)
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Volatile organic compounds constitute the volatile substances released in the atmosphere as gases. The sensor determines the total concentration of volatile organic substances, including the evaporation of varnishes/paints and interior decoration elements (phenol, formaldehyde, toluene, styrene), alcohols, benzene, rotting vegetables, human gases, household gas. High concentrations of dangerous VOC pose a threat to human life and health. The VOC sensor does not work as a household combustible gas leak detector!