Register/ Address Type R/ W Default value Format Description
110 holding RW 96 (0x60) baud rate / 100 RS-485 port speed , divided by 100. Permissible speeds: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
(Configuring RS-485 communication parameters for wiren Board Modbus devices)
111 holding RW 0 Configure the RS-485 port parity bit. Valid values: 0 - no parity bit (none), 1 - odd (odd), 2 - even (even)
112 holding RW 2 Number of stop bits of RS-485 port. Valid values: 1, 2
120 (0x78) holding RW 0 0 or higher than 0 Restart. Writing to the register causes the MC to restart without saving state
121 (0x79) input R - mV Input voltage
128 (0x80) holding RW 1 Device Modbus-address
200-206 input R {'x','x','x','x','x','x'} Signature
220-241 input R __date__ __time__ Firmware build date
250-269 input R null-terminated string Firmware version
270-271 input R 32-bit unsigned int Unique identifier (S/N)
990 holding R Output module number 1 connected (0 = not connected, 1 = 8 channel, 2 = 16 channel)
991 holding R Модуль выхода номер 2 подключен (0 = не подключен, 1 = 8 канальный, 2 = 16 канальный)
992 holding R Output module number 1 connected (0 = not connected, 1 = 8 channel, 2 = 16 channel)
993 holding R Input module number 4 connected (0 = not connected, 1 = 8 channel, 2 = 16 channel)
994 holding R Output module number 4 connected (0 = not connected, 1 = 8 channel, 2 = 16 channel)
995 holding R Input module number 3 connected (0 = not connected, 1 = 8 channel, 2 = 16 channel)
996 holding R Input module number 2 connected (0 = not connected, 1 = 8 channel, 2 = 16 channel)
997 holding R Input module number 1 connected (0 = not connected, 1 = 8 channel, 2 = 16 channel)
1250 - 1265 holding R 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter inputs module number 1
2250 - 2265 holding R 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter inputs module number 2
3250 - 3265 holding R 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter inputs module number 3
4250 - 4265 holding R 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter inputs module number 4
10999 holding RW 0 0 or higher than 0 Configuration flag of counter inputs module number 1
11000 - 11005 holding RW 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter inputs module number 1
11499 holding RW 0 0 or higher than 0 Configuration flag of counter inputs module number 1
11500 - 11505 holding RW 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter outputs module number 1
11999 holding RW 0 0 or higher than 0 Configuration flag of counter inputs module number 2
12000 - 12005 holding RW 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter inputs module number 2
12499 holding RW 0 0 or higher than 0 Configuration flag of counter outputs module number 2
12500 - 12505 holding RW 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter outputs module number 2
12999 holding RW 0 0 or higher than 0 Configuration flag of counter inputs module number 3
13000 - 13005 holding RW 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter inputs module number 3
13499 holding RW 0 0 or higher than 0 Configuration flag of counter outputs module number 2
13500 - 13505 holding RW 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter outputs module number 3
13999 holding RW 0 0 or higher than 0 Configuration flag of counter inputs module number 4
14000 - 14005 holding RW 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter inputs module number 4
14499 holding RW 0 0 or higher than 0 Configuration flag of counter outputs module number 4
14500 - 14505 holding RW 16 bit unsigned int Registers of counter outputs module number 4
20000 - 20017 holding R 16 bit signed int multiplied by 100 The voltage value registers of the ADC module 1
20500 - 20517 holding RW 0 int in range of: 0 - 7 Configuration registers of the ADC module 1
21000 - 21017 holding R 16 bit signed int multiplied by 100 The voltage value registers of the ADC module 2
21500 - 21517 holding RW 0 int in range of: 0 - 7 Configuration registers of the ADC module 2
22000 - 22017 holding R 16 bit signed int multiplied by 100 The voltage value registers of the ADC module 3
22500 - 22517 holding RW 0 int in range of: 0 - 7 Configuration registers of the ADC module 3
23000 - 23017 holding R 16 bit signed int multiplied by 100 The voltage value registers of the ADC module 4
23500 - 23517 holding RW 0 int in range of: 0 - 7 Configuration registers of the ADC module 4