
Регистры сетевой карты WB-REF-U зависят от используемого холодильного контроллера и перечислены в таблицах ниже. Данные в таблицах сгруппированы по функциям.

Служебные регистры сетевой карты вы найдёте в разделе Общие регистры.



Адрес Тип Формат Имя Назначение Единицы
в Hex в DEC Минимум Максимум
0x0004 4 discrete bool s_pre1 1st probe alarm
0x0001 1 discrete bool s_pre2 2nd probe alarm
0x0009 9 discrete bool s_pre3 3rd probe alarm
0x000C 12 discrete bool s_LO Low temperature alarm
0x0003 3 discrete bool s_HI High temperature alarm
0x0006 6 discrete bool s_IA External immediate alarm
0x000F 15 discrete bool s_dA External delay alarm
0x000A 10 discrete bool s_Ed1 Timeout defrost alarm
0x000E 14 discrete bool s_cht High temperature condense
0x0002 2 discrete bool s_CHT High temperature condense
0x0005 5 discrete bool s_Etc Broken RTC alarm
0x0017 23 discrete bool s_EE Machine parameters eeprom
0x0010 16 discrete bool s_EF Functions parameters eepr
0x0019 25 discrete bool s_PreDor Pre-opened door alarm 0 0
0x001C 28 discrete bool s_Dor Opened door alarm 0 0
0x0195 405 input s16 s_pr1 Probe 1 reading 0.1°C/°F 0 0
0x0199 409 input s16 s_pr2 Probe 2 reading 0.1°C/°F 0 0
0x0196 406 input s16 s_pr3 Probe 3 reading 0.1°C/°F 0 0
0x0193 403 holdng s16 /C1 Probe 1 offset 0.1°C/°F -20 20
0x019C 412 holdng s16 /C2 Probe 2 offset 0.1°C/°F -20 20
0x019A 410 holdng s16 St Set point 0.1°C/°F
0x019E 414 holdng s16 rd Control differential 0.1°C/°F 0 19
0x019F 415 holdng s16 r1 Minimum set point allowe 0.1°C/°F -50
0x0197 407 holdng s16 r2 Maximum set point allowed 0.1°C/°F 90
0x019B 411 holdng s16 dt End defrost temperature 0.1°C/°F -50 90
0x019D 413 holdng s16 A0 Alarm and fan differentia 0.1°C/°F -20 20
0x0190 400 holdng s16 AL Absolute/Relative tempera 0.1°C/°F -50 90
0x0198 408 holdng s16 AH Absolute/Relative tempera 0.1°C/°F -50 90
0x0192 402 holdng s16 F1 Fan control set point 0.1°C/°F -50 90
0x0007 7 discrete u16 s_din1 Status of digital input 1 0 0
0x0000 0 discrete u16 s_r1 Compressor relay status 0 0
0x000D 13 discrete u16 s_r2 Defrost relay status 0 0
0x0008 8 discrete u16 s_r3 Fan relay status 0 0
0x000B 11 discrete u16 s_r4 Auxiliary relay status 0 0
0x001D 29 discrete u16 s_DEF Defrost status 0 0
0x0018 24 coil s16 s_cDEF Defrost command 0 1
0x001B 27 discrete u16 s_CC Continuous cycle status 0 0
0x0014 20 coil u16 s_cCC Continuous cycle command 0 1
0x0013 19 coil u16 F0 Fan management 0 1
0x0016 22 coil u16 F3 Fan in defrost 0 1
0x001F 31 coil u16 s_cONOFF ON/OFF command 0 1
0x01A6 422 holdng u16 c0 Comp. and fan start delay Минуты 0 99
0x01A3 419 holdng u16 c2 Minimum compressor off ti Минуты 0 99
0x01AC 428 holdng u16 d0 Defrost type 0 4
0x01AA 426 holdng u16 dI Interval between defrosts Часы 0 24
0x01AE 430 holdng u16 dP Maximum defrost duration Минуты 1 99
0x01AF 431 holdng u16 dd Dripping time after defro Минуты 0 15
0x01A7 423 holdng u16 Ad Low and high temperature Минуты 0 99
0x01AB 427 holdng u16 A4 Third input configuration 0 2
0x01AD 429 holdng u16 F2 Fan off with compressor o 0.1°C/°F 0 2
0x01A0 416 holdng u16 Fd Post dripping time Минуты 0 15
0x01A8 424 holdng u16 F4 Start delay when fan on Секунды 1 99
0x01A2 418 holdng u16 F5 Fan on time (with F2=2) Минуты 1 99
0x01A1 417 holdng u16 F6 Fan off time (with F2=2) Минуты 1 99
0x01A4 420 input s16 H0 Serial address 0 207


Адрес Тип Формат Имя Назначение Единицы
в Hex в DEC Минимум Максимум
0x0007 7 discrete bool Dig.input Digital input status
0x0000 0 discrete bool Rel. comp. Compressor relay status
0x000D 13 discrete bool Rel. defr. Defrost relay status
0x0008 8 discrete bool Rel. fan. Fan relay status
0x000B 11 discrete bool Rel.AUX Activate AUX command
0x001D 29 discrete bool Defrost Defrost status
0x0018 24 coil bool Defrost Activate defrost command
0x001B 27 discrete bool C.C. Continuous cycle status
0x0014 20 coil bool C.C. Activation contin. cycle
0x0011 17 discrete bool s_nRTC Set point started by RTC
0x0013 19 coil bool /5 Select C/F
0x0016 22 coil bool /6 Disable decimal point
0x001F 31 coil bool d4 Defrost at power-on
0x001A 26 coil bool d6 Display lock during defr.
0x001E 30 coil bool d9 Def prior over comp prots
0x0012 18 coil bool dC Time base
0x0015 21 coil bool A8 En alarm Ed
0x0027 39 coil bool F0 Enable evap fan control
0x0020 32 coil bool F2 Stop fans if compr stops
0x002D 45 coil bool F3 Stop fans during defrost
0x0028 40 coil bool H4 Buzzer inhibition
0x002B 43 coil bool tEn Enable RTC
0x0024 36 coil bool ON/OFF Controller ON/OFF command
0x0195 405 input s16 d/ Defrost probe value 0.1°C/°F 0 0
0x0199 409 input s16 s_pr1 Probe 1 status 0.1°C/°F 0 0
0x0196 406 input s16 s_pr2 Probe 2 status 0.1°C/°F 0 0
0x0193 403 input s16 s_pr3 Probe 3 status 0.1°C/°F 0 0
0x019C 412 holdng s16 /C1 Probe 1 offset 0.1°C/°F 12
0x019A 410 holdng s16 /C2 Probe 2 offset 0.1°C/°F 12
0x019E 414 holdng s16 /C3 Probe 3 offset 0.1°C/°F 12
0x019F 415 holdng s16 St User set point 0.1°C/°F
0x0197 407 holdng s16 rd Differential 0.1°C/°F 0 19
0x019B 411 holdng s16 r1 Minimum set point allowed 0.1°C/°F -50 pk78
0x019D 413 holdng s16 r2 Maximum set point allowed 0.1°C/°F pk79 150
0x0190 400 holdng s16 r4 Night-time set point diff 0.1°C/°F -50 50
0x0198 408 holdng s16 dt End defrost temperature 0.1°C/°F -50 127
0x0192 402 holdng s16 A0 Al and fan differential 0.1°C/°F -20 20
0x0191 401 holdng s16 AL Low temperature alarm 0.1°C/°F -50 150
0x0194 404 holdng s16 AH High temperature alarm 0.1°C/°F -50 150
0x01A5 421 holdng s16 Ac Dirty cond Al set point 0.1°C/°F -50 150
0x01A9 425 holdng s16 AE Dirty cond Al temp. diff. 0.1°C/°F 0.1 20
0x01A6 422 holdng s16 F1 Evap fan control sp 0.1°C/°F -50 127
0x01A3 419 holdng u16 tc_d RTC day of the week День 1 7
0x01AC 428 holdng u16 tc_h RTC hour Часы 0 23
0x01AA 426 holdng u16 tc_m RTC minutes Минуты 0 59
0x01AE 430 input u16 hw_RTC RTC presence 0 1
0x01AF 431 input u16 hw_model Machine model 0 255
0x01A7 423 input u16 hw_probe Probe type NTC/PTC 0 1
0x01AD 429 holdng u16 /2 Probe meas. stability 1 15
0x01A0 416 holdng u16 /4 Select display probe 1 3
0x01A8 424 holdng u16 r3 Direct/reverse 0 2
0x01A2 418 holdng u16 c0 Start delay after Pow-on Минуты 0 100
0x01A1 417 holdng u16 c1 Delay between starts Минуты 0 100
0x01A4 420 holdng u16 c2 Min compressor OFF time Минуты 0 100
0x01B5 437 holdng u16 c3 Min compressor ON time Минуты 0 100
0x01B9 441 holdng u16 c4 Duty setting time Минуты 0 100
0x01B6 438 holdng u16 cc Continuous cycle duration Часы 0 15
0x01B3 435 holdng u16 c6 Temp al bypass after c.c. Часы 0 15
0x01BC 444 holdng u16 d0 Type of defrost 0 4
0x01BA 442 holdng u16 dI Defrost interval Часы
0x01BE 446 holdng u16 dP Maximum defrost duration Минуты
0x01BF 447 holdng u16 d5 Def delay P-on, En Dig-In Минуты 0 199
0x01B7 439 holdng u16 dd Dripping time Минуты 0 15
0x01BB 443 holdng u16 d8 Alarm off after defrost Часы 0 15
0x01BD 445 holdng u16 Ad Temperature alarm delay Минуты
0x01B0 432 holdng u16 A4 3rd input conf. 0 11
0x01B8 440 holdng u16 A7 Digital input alarm delay Минуты 0 199
0x01B2 434 holdng u16 Acd Dirty cond. alarm delay Минуты 0 250
0x01B1 433 holdng u16 Fd Post-dripping timeout Минуты 0 15
0x01B4 436 input u16 H0 Serial address 0 207
0x01C5 453 holdng u16 H1 AUX output configuration 0 3
0x01C9 457 holdng u16 H2 Enable keypad 0 2
0x01C6 454 holdng u16 H5 ID code (read-only) 1 199
0x01C3 451 holdng u16 EZY Sel set of default param 0 4
0x01CC 460 holdng u16 d1d Defrost time band 1st day Дни 0 11
0x01CA 458 holdng u16 d1h Time band 1st hour Часы 0 23
0x01CE 462 holdng u16 d1m Time band 1st minutes Минуты 0 59
0x01CF 463 holdng u16 d2d Defrost time band 2nd day Дни 0 11
0x01C7 455 holdng u16 d2h Time band 2nd hour Часы 0 23
0x01CB 459 holdng u16 d2m Time band 2nd minutes Минуты 0 59
0x01CD 461 holdng u16 d3d Defrost time band 3rd day Дни 0 11
0x01C0 448 holdng u16 d3h Time band 3rd hour Часы 0 23
0x01C8 456 holdng u16 d3m Time band 3rd minutes Минуты 0 59
0x01C2 450 holdng u16 d4d Defrost time band 4th day Дни 0 11
0x01C1 449 holdng u16 d4h Time band 4th hour Часы 0 23
0x01C4 452 holdng u16 d4m Time band 4th minutes Минуты 0 59
0x01D5 469 holdng u16 nOd Night time band ON day Дни 0 11
0x01D9 473 holdng u16 nOh Night time band ON hour Часы 0 23
0x01D6 470 holdng u16 nOm Night time band ON min. Минуты 0 59
0x01D3 467 holdng u16 nFd Night time band OFF day Дни 0 11
0x01DC 476 holdng u16 nFh Night time band OFF hour Часы 0 23
0x01DA 474 holdng u16 nFm Night time band OFF min Минуты 0 59
0x01DE 478 holdng u16 AOd AUX time band ON day Дни 0 11
0x01DF 479 holdng u16 AOh AUX time band ON hour Часы 0 23
0x01D7 471 holdng u16 AOm AUX time band ON minutes Минуты 0 59
0x01DB 475 holdng u16 AFd AUX time band OFF day Дни 0 11
0x01DD 477 holdng u16 AFh AUX time band OFF hour Часы 0 23
0x01D0 464 holdng u16 AFm AUX time band OFF minutes Минуты 0 59
0x0004 4 discrete bool s_pre1 1st probe alarm
0x0001 1 discrete bool s_pre2 2nd probe alarm
0x0009 9 discrete bool s_pre3 3rd probe alarm
0x000C 12 discrete bool s_LO Low temperature alarm
0x0003 3 discrete bool s_HI High temperature alarm
0x0006 6 discrete bool s_IA External immediate alarm
0x000F 15 discrete bool s_dA External delay alarm
0x000A 10 discrete bool s_Ed1 Timeout defrost alarm
0x000E 14 discrete bool s_cht High temp cond pre-alarm
0x0002 2 discrete bool s_CHT High temp condenser alarm
0x0005 5 discrete bool s_Etc Broken RTC alarm
0x0017 23 discrete bool s_EE Machine param e2 alarm
0x0010 16 discrete bool s_EF Func param eeprom alarm
0x0019 25 discrete bool s_PreDor Open door pre-alarm state
0x001C 28 discrete bool s_Dor Open door alarm state


Адрес Тип Формат Имя Назначение Единицы
в Hex в DEC Минимум Максимум
0x0195 405 input s16 LP1 Probe B4 0.1bar
0x0199 409 input s16 HP/LP2 Probe B1 0.1bar/0.1°C
0x0196 406 input s16 B2 Probe B2 0.1°C/°F -40 150
0x0193 403 input s16 B3 Probe B3 0.1°C/°F -40 150
0x019C 412 holding s16 r01 Suction set point circuit 1 0.1bar
0x019A 410 holding s16 r02 Differential circuit 1 0.1bar 0 20
0x019E 414 holding s16 r03 Suction set point circuit 2 0.1bar
0x019F 415 holding s16 r04 Differential circuit 2 0.1bar 0 20
0x0197 407 holding s16 r12 Min suction set point 1 0.1bar 0
0x019B 411 holding s16 r13 Max suction set point 1 0.1bar 40
0x019D 413 holding s16 r14 Min suction set point 2 0.1bar 0
0x0190 400 holding s16 r15 Max suction set point 2 0.1bar 40
0x0198 408 holding s16 r16(bar) Fan set point (bar) 0.1bar
0x0192 402 holding s16 r16 (°C) Fan set point (°C) 0.1°C/°F
0x0191 401 holding s16 r17 (bar) Fan differential (bar) 0.1bar 0 20
0x0194 404 holding s16 r17(°C) Fan differential (°C) 0.1°C/°F 0 20
0x01A5 421 holding s16 r25(bar) Min fan set point (bar) °F 0
0x01A9 425 holding s16 r25 (°C) Min fan set point (°C) 0.1°C/°F 0
0x01A6 422 holding s16 r26(bar) Max fan set point (bar) 0.1bar 40
0x01A3 419 holding s16 r26(°C) Max fan set point (°C) 0.1°C/°F 150
0x01AC 428 holding s16 r18 (bar) Fan inverter set point (bar) 0.1bar
0x01AA 426 holding s16 r18 (°C) Fan inverter set point (°C) 0.1°C/°F
0x01AE 430 holding s16 r19 (bar) Fan inverter differential 0.1bar 0 20
0x01AF 431 holding s16 r19 (°C) Fan inverter differential 0.1°C/°F 0 20
0x01A7 423 holding s16 A01 HP suction 1 alarm threshold 0.1bar 40
0x01AB 427 holding s16 A03 LP suction 1 alarm threshold 0.1bar -0.5 7
0x01AD 429 holding s16 A05 HP suction 2 alarm threshold 0.1bar 40
0x01A0 416 holding s16 A07 LP suction 2 alarm threshold 0.1bar -0.5 7
0x01A8 424 holding s16 A09 (bar) HP discharge alarm threshold (bar) 0.1bar 40
0x01A2 418 holding s16 A09 (°C) HP discharge alarm threshold (°C) 0.1°C/°F 150
0x01A1 417 holding s16 A10(bar) LP discharge alarm threshold (bar) 0.1bar 0
0x01A4 420 holding s16 A10 (°C) LP discharge alarm threshold (°C) 0.1°C/°F 0
0x01B5 437 holding s16 /23 Suction probe 4 calibration 0.1bar -12 12
0x01B9 441 holding s16 /24 Discharge probe 1 calibration 0.1bar -12 12
0x01B6 438 holding s16 /25 Room probe 2 calibration 0.1°C/°F -12 12
0x01B3 435 holding s16 /26 Outside probe 3 calibration 0.1°C/°F -12 12
0x01BC 444 holding s16 /17 Min value suction transducer 0.1bar -1
0x01BA 442 holding s16 /18 Min value discharge transducer 0.1bar -1
0x01BE 446 holding s16 /19 End scale value suction transducer 0.1bar 40
0x01BF 447 holding s16 /20 End scale value discharge transducer 0.1bar 40
0x01B7 439 holding s16 /33 Set point prevent high pressure function 0.1bar 0 40
0x01BB 443 holding s16 r34 Set point offset to change set from DI 0.1bar -99 99
0x01BD 445 holding s16 r11 Differential pressure for dead band by time 0.1bar 0 20
0x01B0 432 holding s16 r33 Condensing temperature delta for floating control 0.1°C/°F -40 150
0x01B8 440 holding s16 A16 High temp threshold probe B2 0.1°C/°F -40 150
0x01B2 434 holding s16 A17 High temp threshold probe B3 0.1°C/°F -40 150
0x01B1 433 holding u16 /00 Type of unit 0 2
0x01B4 436 holding u16 /01 Unit model 0 14
0x01C5 453 input u16 - Number of compressors 0 4
0x01C9 457 holding u16 /09 Number of fans 0 4
0x01C6 454 input u16 - Unit status 0 7
0x01C3 451 holding u16 r07 Minimum call time for compressor start (dead band) s 0 999
0x01CC 460 holding u16 r09 Minimum call time for compressor stop (dead band) s 0 999
0x01CA 458 holding u16 C01 Minimum compressor ON time s 0 999
0x01CE 462 holding u16 C02 Minimum compressor OFF time s 0 999
0x01CF 463 holding u16 C03 Minimum time between starts of different compressors s 0 999
0x01C7 455 holding u16 C05 Minimum time between starts of the same compressor s 0 999
0x01CB 459 holding u16 - Fan start delay (dead band) s 0 999
0x01CD 461 holding u16 - Fan stop delay (dead band) s 0 999
0x01C0 448 holding u16 A18 Liquid level alarm delay s 0 999
0x01C8 456 holding u16 - Minimum fan speed % 0 100
0x01C2 450 holding u16 /07 Number of compressors on in circuit 1 with probe damaged 0 4
0x01C1 449 holding u16 /08 Number of compressors on in circuit 2 with probe damaged 0 2
0x01C4 452 holding u16 /12 Number of fans on with probe damaged 0 4
0x01D5 469 input u16 - Version of the application
0x01D9 473 holding u16 /35 Type of refrigerant 0 11
0x01D6 470 holding u16 /03 Capacity of compressor 1 0 500
0x01D3 467 holding u16 /04 Capacity of compressor 2 0 500
0x01DC 476 holding u16 /05 Capacity of compressor 3 0 500
0x01DA 474 holding u16 /06 Capacity of compressor 4 0 500
0x01DE 478 input u16 /11 Inverter readout % % 0 100
0x01DF 479 holding u16 /15 Multifunction DI configuration 0 12
0x01D7 471 holding u16 /16 Type of discharge probe 0 2
0x01DB 475 holding u16 /21 Type of probe B2 0 2
0x01DD 477 holding u16 /22 Type of probe B3 0 2
0x01D0 464 holding u16 /37 Delay restart after black out s 0 999
0x01D8 472 holding u16 C04 Min time between two stop calls for different compressors s 0 999
0x01D2 466 holding u16 C06 Time between compressor stop call with Prevent function s 0 999
0x01D1 465 holding u16 C07 Operating hour threshold for maintenance h x10 0 999
0x01D4 468 input u16 C08 Compressor 1 hours h x10 0 999
0x01E5 485 input u16 C10 Compressor 2 hours h x10 0 999
0x01E9 489 input u16 C12 Compressor 3 hours h x10 0 999
0x01E6 486 input u16 C14 Compressor 4 hours h x10 0 999
0x01E3 483 holding u16 r05 Type of compressor rotation 0 2
0x01EC 492 holding u16 r06 Type of compressor control 0 2
0x01EA 490 holding u16 r08 Maximum call for compressor starts in dead band by time s 0 999
0x01EE 494 holding u16 r10 Maximum call for compressor stops in dead band by time s 0 999
0x01EF 495 holding u16 r20 Type of fan rotation 0 1
0x01E7 487 holding u16 r21 Type of fan control 0 2
0x01EB 491 holding u16 r22 Integral time for P+I fan control s 0 999
0x01ED 493 holding u16 r23 Time between 2 fans starts in dead band s 0 999
0x01E0 480 holding u16 r24 Time between 2 fans stops in dead band s 0 999
0x01E8 488 holding u16 r27 Inverter speed up time s 0 999
0x01E2 482 holding u16 r28 Inverter ramp up time s 0 999
0x01E1 481 holding u16 r29 Minimum inverter output % 0 100
0x01E4 484 holding u16 r30 Maximum inverter output % 0 100
0x01F5 501 holding u16 r31 Triac impulse duration ms 0 10
0x01F9 505 holding u16 A02 High suction pressure 1 alarm delay s 0 999
0x01F6 502 holding u16 A04 Low suction pressure 1 alarm delay s 0 999
0x01F3 499 holding u16 A06 High suction pressure 2 alarm delay s 0 999
0x01FC 508 holding u16 A08 Low suction pressure 2 alarm delay s 0 999
0x01FA 506 holding u16 A11 Low discharge pressure alarm delay s 0 999
0x01FE 510 holding u16 A12 Compressor thermal overload alarm delay s 0 999
0x01FF 511 holding u16 A13 Prevent time in which no compressor starts are enabled m 0 99
0x01F7 503 holding u16 A14 Prevent time in which the activation signals the alarm m 0 999
0x01FB 507 holding u16 A15 Time to reset prevent alarm m 0 99
0x01FD 509 holding u16 A20 Alarm signal delay s 0 999
0x01F0 496 holding u16 A21 Time to change low pressure alarm from automatic to manual s 0 999
0x01F1 497 input u16 Operating percentage of first capacity controlled compressor
0x01F4 500 input u16 Operating percentage of second capacity controlled compressor
0x07 7 coil bool Unit on
0x00 0 discrete bool Status of compressor 1
0x0D 13 discrete bool Status of compressor 2
0x08 8 discrete bool Status of compressor 3
0x0B 11 discrete bool Status of compressor 4
0x04 4 discrete bool Status of fan 1
0x01 1 discrete bool Status of fan 2
0x09 9 discrete bool Status of fan 3
0x0C 12 discrete bool Status of fan 4
0x03 3 discrete bool Status of digital input 1
0x06 6 discrete bool Status of digital input 2
0x0F 15 discrete bool Status of digital input 3
0x0A 10 discrete bool Status of digital input 4
0x0E 14 discrete bool Status of digital input 5
0x02 2 coil bool A19 Reset alarms
0x05 5 coil bool /14 Digital input logic
0x017 23 coil bool /28 Alarm relay logic
0x010 16 coil bool /10 Enable fan inverter
0x01D 29 coil bool /38 ON/OFF from supervisor
0x018 24 coil bool /32 Enable 'prevent' control on condenser
0x01B 27 coil bool /02 Enable management of different compressors
0x014 20 coil bool /29 Type of compressor reset
0x011 17 coil bool /30 Type of fan reset
0x019 25 coil bool /31 Type of reset for general high press. Switch
0x01C 28 coil bool C09 Reset compressor 1 hours
0x013 19 coil bool C11 Reset compressor 2 hours
0x016 22 coil bool C13 Reset compressor 3 hours
0x01F 31 coil bool C15 Reset compressor 4 hours
0x01A 26 coil bool r32 Enable floating condenser control
0x01E 30 coil bool A22 Enable unit Off due to probe fault
0x012 18 coil bool /13 Enable fan with comp on
0x015 21 discrete bool A01 Alarm: compressor 1
0x027 39 discrete bool A02 Alarm: compressor 2
0x020 32 discrete bool A03 Alarm: compressor 3
0x02D 45 discrete bool A04 Alarm: compressor 4
0x028 40 discrete bool A22 Alarm: fan 1
0x02B 43 discrete bool A23 Alarm: fan 2
0x024 36 discrete bool A24 Alarm: fan 3
0x021 33 discrete bool A25 Alarm: fan 4
0x029 41 discrete bool A09 Alarm: liquid level
0x02C 44 discrete bool A10 Alarm: general low suction pressure 1 (from multifunction DI)
0x023 35 discrete bool A11 Alarm: general low suction pressure 2 (from multifunction DI)
0x026 38 discrete bool A13 Alarm: low discharge pressure
0x02F 47 discrete bool A14 Alarm: high discharge pressure
0x02A 42 discrete bool A15 Alarm: low suction pressure 1
0x02E 46 discrete bool A16 Alarm: high suction pressure 1
0x022 34 discrete bool A17 Alarm: low suction pressure 2
0x025 37 discrete bool A18 Alarm: high suction pressure 2
0x037 55 discrete bool A20 Probe B1 faulty or disconnected
0x030 48 discrete bool AB2 Probe B2 faulty or disconnected
0x03D 61 discrete bool AB3 Probe B3 faulty or disconnected
0x038 56 discrete bool A19 Probe B4 faulty or disconnected
0x03B 59 discrete bool A05 Compressor 1 maintenance
0x034 52 discrete bool A06 Compressor 2 maintenance
0x031 49 discrete bool A07 Compressor 3 maintenance
0x039 57 discrete bool A08 Compressor 4 maintenance
0x03C 60 discrete bool A12 General discharge pressure switch (from multifunction DI)
0x033 51 discrete bool A26 General fan thermal overload
0x036 54 discrete bool A27 Prevent high discharge pressure
0x03F 63 discrete bool A28 Compressors off due to prevent
0x03A 58 discrete bool A29 Excessive prevent frequency
0x03E 62 discrete bool HtE High outside temperature
0x032 50 discrete bool HtA High room temperature


ID 985 LX

Адрес Тип Формат Имя Назначение Единицы
в Hex в DEC Минимум Максимум
0x0374B 14155 holding u16 Cit Minimum compressor output activation time 0 250
0x0374C 14156 holding u16 CAt Maximum compressor output activation time 0 250
0x0374D 14157 holding u16 dOd load switching off enabled when door switch is switched on num 0 1
0x0374E 14158 holding u16 dAd Delay in enabling digital inputs min 0 255
0x0374F 14159 holding u16 Ont Compressor output ON time if control probe faulty min 0 250
0x03750 14160 holding u16 OFt Compressor output OFF time if control probe faulty min 0 250
0x03751 14161 holding u16 dOn Delay in activating compressor output after start-up. s 0 250
0x03752 14162 holding u16 dOF Delay in activating compressor output after shut-down. min 0 250
0x03753 14163 holding u16 dbi Delay between two consecutive switch-ons of compressor output min 0 250
0x03754 14164 holding u16 OdO Output in activating output after power-on min 0 250
0x03755 14165 holding u16 dtY Type of defrost num 0 2
0x03756 14166 holding u16 dt1 Unit of measurement for defrost times 0 2
0x03757 14167 holding u16 dt2 Unit of measurement for duration of defrosting 0 2
0x03758 14168 holding u16 dCt Defrosting time count mode num 0 3
0x03759 14169 holding u16 dOH Delay in activating defrost cycle after start-up min 0 59
0x0375A 14170 holding u16 dEt Defrost time out min 1 250
0x0375B 14171 holding u16 dPO Defrost activation request after power-on flag 0 1
0x0375C 14172 holding u16 Cod Time before defrosting during which the compressor output is not activated 0 60
0x0375D 14173 holding u16 FPt FSt parameter mode (absolute or relative) 0 1
0x0375E 14174 holding u16 Fdt Delay in enabling evaporator fans after defrost cycle min 0 250
0x0375F 14175 holding u16 dt Dripping time num 0 250
0x03760 14176 holding u16 dFd Exclusion of evaporator fans during defrost cycle flag 0 1
0x03761 14177 holding u16 FCO Status of evaporator fans when compressor output OFF num 0 2
0x03762 14178 holding u16 Fod Status of evaporator fans when door is open 0 1
0x03763 14179 holding u16 FdC Delay in shut down of evaporator fans after compressor is disabled 0 99
0x03764 14180 holding u16 Fon Time evaporator fans are ON in duty cycle mode min 0 99
0x03765 14181 holding u16 FoF Time evaporator fans are OFF in duty cycle mode min 0 99
0x03766 14182 holding u16 dEA Device address num 0 14
0x03767 14183 holding u16 FAA Family address num 0 14
0x03768 14184 holding u16 Att HAL and LAL parameter modes (absolute or relative) flag 0 1
0x03769 14185 holding u16 PAO alarm excluded at power on hour 0 10
0x0376A 14186 holding u16 OAO High and low temperature alarm exclusion time after door is closed hour 0 10
0x0376B 14187 holding u16 tdO Alarm exclusion time when door is open min 0 250
0x0376C 14188 holding u16 tAO Temperature alarm signal delay time min 0 250
0x0376D 14189 holding u16 dAt Alarm signal for defrost ended timed out flag 0 1
0x0376E 14190 holding u16 rLO External alarm disables controllers flag 0 1
0x0376F 14191 holding u16 AOP Polarity of alarm output 0 1
0x03771 14193 holding u16 LOC Keyboard lock enabled flag 0 1
0x03772 14194 holding u16 ndt Display with decimal point flag 0 1
0x03773 14195 holding u16 CAI Intervention of calibration 0 2
0x03774 14196 holding u16 ddL Locked Resources at end of defrosting num 0 2
0x03775 14197 holding u16 ddd Display of fundamental state num 0 3
0x03777 14199 holding u16 H21 Digital output 1 configurability num 0 10
0x03778 14200 holding u16 H22 Digital output 2 configurability num 0 10
0x03779 14201 holding u16 H23 Digital output 3 configurability num 0 10
0x0377A 14202 holding u16 H24 Digital output 4 configurability num 0 10
0x0377C 14204 holding u16 H31 UP button configurability num 0 8
0x0377D 14205 holding u16 H32 DOWN button configurability num 0 8
0x0377E 14206 holding u16 H33 ESC button configurability 0 8
0x0377F 14207 holding u16 H40 inversion of ST1 with ST2 enabled 0 1
0x03780 14208 holding u16 H41 Presence of cell probe 0 1
0x03781 14209 holding u16 H42 Presence of evaporator probe flag 0 1
0x03782 14210 holding u16 H43 Presence of 3rd probe flag 0 2
0x03783 14211 holding u16 dit Interval between defrosts hour 0 250
0x03788 14216 holding u16 PbA Probe enabled for temperature alarm signalling (probe 1 and/or 3) 0 3
0x03789 14217 holding u16 Ldd Time out for display lock after end of defrosting min 0 255
0x0378A 14218 holding u16 H06 Aux/light button or Digital Input active when instrument is off 0 1
0x0378B 14219 holding u16 H08 Operating mode on stand-by 0 2
0x0378C 14220 holding u16 dSd Light relay enable from door switch 0 1
0x0378D 14221 holding u16 dLt Delay in switching off of light relay after door is closed 0 31
0x0378E 14222 holding u16 OFL switching off of cell light button-enabled during delay set in parameter dLt 0 1
0x0378F 14223 holding u16 PA1 Password 1 value 0 250
0x03790 14224 holding u16 PA2 Password 2 value 0 250
0x03791 14225 holding u16 H00 Selection of NTC/PTC type of analogue input num 0 1
0x03792 14226 holding u16 dro °C or °F selection flag 0 1
0x03794 14228 holding u16 dE1-H Hours of start of 1st daily defrost hour 0 24
0x03795 14229 holding u16 dE2-H Hours of start of 2nd daily defrost hour 0 24
0x03796 14230 holding u16 dE3-H Hours of start of 3rd daily defrost hour 0 24
0x03797 14231 holding u16 dE4-H Hours of start of 4th daily defrost hour 0 24
0x03798 14232 holding u16 dE5-H Hours of start of 5th daily defrost hour 0 24
0x03799 14233 holding u16 dE6-H Hours of start of 6th daily defrost hour 0 24
0x0379A 14234 holding u16 dE7-H Hours of start of 7th daily defrost hour 0 24
0x0379B 14235 holding u16 dE8-H Hours of start of 8th daily defrost hour 0 24
0x0379C 14236 holding u16 dE1-m Minutes of start of 1st daily defrost min 0 59
0x0379D 14237 holding u16 dE2-m Minutes of start of 2nd daily defrost min 0 59
0x0379E 14238 holding u16 dE3-m Minutes of start of 3rd daily defrost min 0 59
0x0379F 14239 holding u16 dE4-m Minutes of start of 4th daily defrost min 0 59
0x037A0 14240 holding u16 dE5-m Minutes of start of 5th daily defrost min 0 59
0x037A1 14241 holding u16 dE6-m Minutes of start of 6th daily defrost min 0 59
0x037A2 14242 holding u16 dE7-m Minutes of start of 7th daily defrost min 0 59
0x037A3 14243 holding u16 dE8-m Minutes of start of 8th daily defrost min 0 59
0x037A4 14244 holding u16 F1-H Hours of start of 1st festive defrost hour 0 24
0x037A5 14245 holding u16 F2-H Hours of start of 2nd festive defrost hour 0 24
0x037A6 14246 holding u16 F3-H Hours of start of 3rd festive defrost hour 0 24
0x037A7 14247 holding u16 F4-H Hours of start of 4th festive defrost hour 0 24
0x037A8 14248 holding u16 F5-H Hours of start of 5th festive defrost hour 0 24
0x037A9 14249 holding u16 F6-H Hours of start of 6th festive defrost hour 0 24
0x037AA 14250 holding u16 F7-H Hours of start of 7th festive defrost hour 0 24
0x037AB 14251 holding u16 F8-H Hours of start of 8th festive defrost hour 0 24
0x037AC 14252 holding u16 F1-m Minutes of start of 1st festive defrost min 0 59
0x037AD 14253 holding u16 F2-m Minutes of start of 2nd festive defrost min 0 59
0x037AE 14254 holding u16 F3-m Minutes of start of 3rd festive defrost min 0 59
0x037AF 14255 holding u16 F4-m Minutes of start of 4th festive defrost min 0 59
0x037B0 14256 holding u16 F5-m Minutes of start of 5th festive defrost min 0 59
0x037B1 14257 holding u16 F6-m Minutes of start of 6th festive defrost min 0 59
0x037B2 14258 holding u16 F7-m Minutes of start of 7th festive defrost min 0 59
0x037B3 14259 holding u16 F8-m Minutes of start of 8th festive defrost min 0 59
0x037B4 14260 holding u16 E00_1 Enables functions during events on 1st day 0 4
0x037B5 14261 holding u16 E00_2 Enables functions during events on 2nd day 0 4
0x037B6 14262 holding u16 E00_3 Enables functions during events on 3rd day 0 4
0x037B7 14263 holding u16 E00_4 Enables functions during events on 4th day 0 4
0x037B8 14264 holding u16 E00_5 Enables functions during events on 5th day 0 4
0x037B9 14265 holding u16 E00_6 Enables functions during events on 6th day 0 4
0x037BA 14266 holding u16 E00_7 Enables functions during events on 7th day 0 4
0x037BB 14267 holding u16 E00_ED Enables functions during events every day 0 4
0x037BC 14268 holding u16 E02_1 Duration of event 1st day 0 99
0x037BD 14269 holding u16 E02_2 Duration of event 2nd day 0 99
0x037BE 14270 holding u16 E02_3 Duration of event 3rd day 0 99
0x037BF 14271 holding u16 E02_4 Duration of event 4th day 0 99
0x037C0 14272 holding u16 E02_5 Duration of event 5th day 0 99
0x037C1 14273 holding u16 E02_6 Duration of event 6th day 0 99
0x037C2 14274 holding u16 E02_7 Duration of event 7th day 0 99
0x037C3 14275 holding u16 E02_ED Duration of daily event 0 99
0x037C4 14276 holding u16 E03_1 Enables daily or holiday defrosting 1st day 0 1
0x037C5 14277 holding u16 E03_2 Enables daily or holiday defrosting 2nd day 0 1
0x037C6 14278 holding u16 E03_3 Enables daily or holiday defrosting 3rd day 0 1
0x037C7 14279 holding u16 E03_4 Enables daily or holiday defrosting 4th day 0 1
0x037C8 14280 holding u16 E03_5 Enables daily or holiday defrosting 5th day 0 1
0x037C9 14281 holding u16 E03_6 Enables daily or holiday defrosting 6th day 0 1
0x037CA 14282 holding u16 E03_7 Enables daily or holiday defrosting 7th day 0 1
0x037CC 14284 holding u16 E01_1-H Hour of start of event 1st day hour 0 23
0x037CD 14285 holding u16 E01_2-H Hour of start of event 2nd day hour 0 23
0x037CE 14286 holding u16 E01_3-H Hour of start of event 3rd day hour 0 23
0x037CF 14287 holding u16 E01_4-H Hour of start of event 4th day hour 0 23
0x037D0 14288 holding u16 E01_5-H Hour of start of event 5th day hour 0 23
0x037D1 14289 holding u16 E01_6-H Hour of start of event 6th day hour 0 23
0x037D2 14290 holding u16 E01_7-H Hour of start of event 7th day hour 0 23
0x037D3 14291 holding u16 E11-ED-H Hour of start of event every day hour 0 23
0x037D4 14292 holding u16 E01_1-m minutes of start of event 1st day min 0 59
0x037D5 14293 holding u16 E01_2-m minutes of start of event 2nd day min 0 59
0x037D6 14294 holding u16 E01_3-m minutes of start of event 3rd day min 0 59
0x037D7 14295 holding u16 E01_4-m minutes of start of event 4th day min 0 59
0x037D8 14296 holding u16 E01_5-m minutes of start of event 5th day min 0 59
0x037D9 14297 holding u16 E01_6-m minutes of start of event 6th day min 0 59
0x037DA 14298 holding u16 E01_7-m minutes of start of event 7th day min 0 59
0x037DB 14299 holding u16 E11-ED-m Minutes of start of event every day min 0 59
0x037DC 14300 holding u16 L00 Selection of Master, Slave, Echo 0 7
0x037DD 14301 holding u16 L01 Number of Slaves in network(refers to Master) 0 7
0x037DE 14302 holding u16 L02 Presence of local Echoes referring to single slave 0 2
0x037DF 14303 holding u16 L03 Simultaneous or sequential defrosting 0 1
0x037E0 14304 holding u16 L04 Distributed display (refers to slave) 0 1
0x037E1 14305 holding u16 L05 Activation of network functions 0 1
0x037E2 14306 holding u16 L06 Locked Resources at end of defrosting 0 1
0x037E3 14307 holding u16 H48 Presence of RTC 0 1
0x037EC 14316 holding u16 H45 Defrost start-up mode for applications with two evaporators 0 2
0x037ED 14317 holding u16 dE2 Defrost time out 2nd evaporator 1 250
0x037F0 14320 holding u16 Pen Number of errors allowed per maximum/minimum pressure switch input 0 15
0x037F1 14321 holding u16 Pei Minimum/maximum pressure switch error count time 1 99
0x037F6 14326 holding u16 tCF Condenser fan start-up delay after defrosting 0 59
0x037F7 14327 holding u16 dCd exclusion of condenser fans during defrosting 0 1
0x037F8 14328 holding u16 Ero Display on eco 1 4
0x037F9 14329 holding u16 dOA FORCED behaviour from digital input 0 3
0x037FA 14330 holding u16 PEA enables forced behaviour from digital input 0 3
0x037FB 14331 holding u16 dCO delay in enabling compressor after activation of digital input min 0 250
0x037FC 14332 holding u16 dFO delay in enabling fans after activation of digital input 0 250
0x05E22 24098 holding u16 diF Operating differential °C/°F 1 2
0x05E24 24100 holding u16 OSP Set point offset °C/°F -300 300
0x05E26 24102 holding u16 dSt End of defrost temperature °C/°F -500 300
0x05E28 24104 holding u16 tcd Compressor output activation/deactivation time before defrosting -31 31
0x05E2A 24106 holding u16 FSt Evaporator fan shut-down temperature °C/°F -500 1500
0x05E2C 24108 holding u16 Fot Evaporator fan start-up temperature -500 1500
0x05E2E 24110 holding u16 FAd Evaporator fan operating differential. °C/°F 10 500
0x05E30 24112 holding u16 AFd alarm differential °C/°F 10 500
0x05E32 24114 holding u16 dAO Temperature alarm exclusion time after defrost cycle min 0 999
0x05E34 24116 holding u16 CA1 Cell probe calibration °C/°F -120 120
0x05E36 24118 holding u16 CA2 Calibration of evaporator probe °C/°F -120 120
0x05E38 24120 holding u16 CA3 Calibration of probe °C/°F -120 120
0x05E3A 24122 holding u16 LdL Minimum value that can be displayed -550 HdL
0x05E3C 24124 holding u16 HdL Maximum value that can be displayed LdL 3020
0x05E3E 24126 holding u16 H11 Configurability and polarity digital input 1 num -9 9
0x05E40 24128 holding u16 tAb Map code num 0 1999
0x05E42 24130 holding u16 Set Set point °C/°F LSE HSE
0x05E44 24132 holding u16 HSE Maximum settable Set point value °C/°F LSE 3020
0x05E46 24134 holding u16 LSE Minimum settable Set point value °C/°F -580 HSE
0x05E48 24136 holding u16 HAL Maximum alarm threshold °C/°F LAL 1500
0x05E4A 24138 holding u16 LAL Minimum alarm threshold °C/°F -500 HAL
0x05E54 24148 holding u16 SA3 Alarm set point for 3rd probe °C/°F -500 1500
0x05E56 24150 holding u16 dA3 Alarm differential 3rd probe °C/°F -300 300
0x05E58 24152 holding u16 H12 Configurability and polarity digital input 2 num -9 9
0x05EFE 24318 holding u16 dS2 End of defrost temperature 2nd evaporator -500 1500
0x05F02 24322 holding u16 SCF Condenser fan activation set point -500 1500
0x05F04 24324 holding u16 dCF Condenser fan operating differential. -300 300
0x04FE2 20450 holding s16 Analogue input 1 -670 3020
0x04FE4 20452 holding s16 Analogue input 2 -670 3020
0x04FE6 20454 holding s16 Analogue input 3 -670 3020
0x04FE8 20456 holding s16 Analogue input 1 (control) 1 -670 3020
0x04FEA 20458 holding s16 Analogue input 2 (control) 1 -670 3020
0x04FEC 20460 holding s16 Analogue input 3 (control) 1 -670 3020
0x05C0 1472 diskrete bool Relay 5 0 1
0x05C1 1473 diskrete bool Relay 4 0 1
0x05C2 1474 diskrete bool Relay 3 0 1
0x05C3 1475 diskrete bool Relay 2 0 1
0x05C4 1476 diskrete bool Relay 1 0 1
0x06F0 1776 coil bool Lights ON 0 1
0x06F1 1777 coil bool Lights OFF 0 1
0x06F2 1778 coil bool Enables Economy function 0 1
0x06F3 1779 coil bool Disables Economy function 0 1
0x06F4 1780 coil bool Auxiliary ON 0 1
0x06F5 1781 coil bool Auxiliary OFF 0 1
0x06F6 1782 coil bool Instrument ON 0 1
0x06F7 1783 coil bool Instrument OFF 0 1
0x06F8 1784 coil bool Alarm Silencing 0 1
0x06F9 1785 coil bool Enabling of Manual Defrost 0 1
0x06FA 1786 coil bool Enables RTC writing 0 1
0x06FB 1787 coil bool Reset modified parameter flag 0 1
0x06FC 1788 coil bool OFF for maintenance 0 1
0x0758 1880 diskrete bool High temperature alarm analogue input 3 0 1
0x0759 1881 diskrete bool Analogue input 1 faulty 0 1
0x075B 1883 diskrete bool Low temperature alarm analogue input 3 0 1
0x075C 1884 diskrete bool External alarm (digital input) 0 1
0x075D 1885 diskrete bool High temperature alarm analogue input 1 0 1
0x075E 1886 diskrete bool Low temperature alarm analogue input 1 0 1
0x075F 1887 diskrete bool Open door alarm 0 1
0x0760 1888 diskrete bool Clock error 0 1
0x0761 1889 diskrete bool Communication master/slave failed 0 1
0x0762 1890 diskrete bool End of defrost due to time-out 0 1
0x0764 1892 diskrete bool Flat battery alarm 0 1
0x0765 1893 diskrete bool Pressure switch alarm 0 1
0x0766 1894 diskrete bool Pressure switch alarm 0 1
0x0778 1912 diskrete bool Controller reduced set point active 0 1
0x0779 1913 diskrete bool Controller Stand by active 0 1
0x077A 1914 diskrete bool Lights 0 1
0x077C 1916 diskrete bool Auxiliary controller active 1 0 1
0x07A7 1959 diskrete bool Analogue input 2 faulty 0 1
0x07BE 1982 diskrete bool Analogue input 3 faulty 0 1
0x0D74 3444 diskrete bool Status of digital input 1 0 1
0x0D75 3445 diskrete bool Status of digital input 2 0 1

Общие регистры

Общие для всех Modbus-устройств Wiren Board регистры
Адрес Параметры регистра Описание Значения
Dec Hex Тип Доступ Формат
104­-105 0x0068 - 0x0069 Input RO u32 Время работы с момента загрузки секунды
121 0x0079 Input RO u16 Текущее напряжение питания мВ
110 0x006E Holding RW u16 Скорость порта RS-485.
Настройка параметров подключения по RS-485
x100, Боды
12 — 1200 бит/с,
24 — 2400 бит/с,
48 — 4800 бит/с,
96 — 9600 бит/с,
192 — 19 200 бит/с,
384 — 38 400 бит/с,
576 — 57 600 бит/с,
1152 — 115 200 Кбит/с
111 0x006F Holding RW u16 Настройка бита чётности порта RS-485 0 — нет бита чётности (none),
1 — нечётный,
2 — чётный
112 0x0070 Holding RW u16 Количество стоп-битов порта RS-485 1, 2
113 0x0071 Holding RW u16 Время перед отправкой ответа на modbus запрос 0 - 254 мс
114 0x0072 Holding RW u16 Режим непрерывного чтения регистров с зазором 0 - отключен
1 - включен
2 - включение сохраняется после перезагрузки
128 0x0080 Holding RW u16 Modbus-адрес устройства (подробнее)
120 0x0078 Holding RW u16 Перезагрузка устройства без сохранения состояния любое, отличное от 0 перезагружает устройство
129 0x0081 Holding RW u16 Перевод в режим обновления прошивки на 2 минуты любое, отличное от 0 переводит устройство в режим обновления прошивки
130 0x0082 Holding RW u8 Отключение индикатора состояния 0 - активен,
1 - отключен
123 0x007B Input RO u16 Напряжение на микроконтроллере мВ
124 0x007C Input RO u16 Внутренняя температура микроконтроллера x0.1, °C
200-205 0x00C8 - 0x00CD Input RO string Модель устройства
206-219 0x00CE - 0x00DB Input RO string Расширение модели устройства. Для новых устройств WB-LED и WB-MAI6 поле поддерживается изначально, для остальных - в прошивках с "быстрым Modbus". Для чтения модели устройства нужно читать диапазон из 20 регистров (200 - 219). Если устройство возвращает ошибку Illegal Data Address - читать 6 регистров (200 - 205).
220-248 0x00DC - 0x00F8 Input RO string Хэш коммита и название ветки откуда собрана прошивка (2 символа в регистре)
250-265 0x00FA - 0x0109 Input RO string Версия прошивки
266-269 0x010A - 0x010D Input RO u64 Расширение серийного номера
270-271 0x010E - 0x010F Input RO u32 Серийный номер
290-301 0x0122 - 0x012D Holding RO string Сигнатура прошивки
330-336 0x014A - 0x0150 Holding RO string Версия загрузчика

Версия прошивки в устройствах с «Быстрым Modbus»

В устройствах, поддерживающих Быстрый Modbus, используется другой формат обозначения версии прошивки.

  • Диапазон регистров «Модель устройства» расширен до 20 регистров.
  • Версия формируется согласно semver и имеет формат MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH с опциональным суффиксом (-rc|+wb)SUFFIX:
    суффикс -rc означает, что прошивка предназначена для тестирования и может быть нестабильной. Хранится в регистре с отрицательным знаком;
    суффикс +wb добавляется, когда к прошивке, зафиксированной в релизе, требуется выпустить фикс. Хранится в регистре с положительным знаком.
  • Цифры версии доступны по отдельности в формате u16 (для суффикса - s16), регистры 320-323.
  • Доступно число u32, содержащее комбинацию цифр версии и позволяющее за одно сравнение понять, увеличилась или уменьшилась версия прошивки:
    число рассчитывается по формуле
    if (SUFFIX >= 0) {
        SUFFIX = SUFFIX + 128;
    } else {
        SUFFIX = -1 - SUFFIX;
    VERSION = (MAJOR << 24) + (MINOR << 16) + (PATCH << 8) + SUFFIX;
    число доступно для чтения в little-endian и big-endian форматах;
    число для более свежей версии всегда будет больше, чем для предыдущей, в том числе, когда прошивка переходит из тестовой в стабильную.
    Таким образом обеспечивается корректное сравнение версий:
    1.2.3-rc1 < 1.2.3-rc10 < 1.2.3 < 1.2.3+wb1 < 1.2.3+wb10.

Регистры для хранения версии прошивки в устройствах с быстрым Modbus
Адрес Параметры регистра Описание Значения
Dec Hex Тип Доступ Формат
200-219 0x00C8 - 0x00DB Input RO string Модель устройства
320 0x0140 Input RO u16 Версия прошивки в числовом формате MAJOR
321 0x0141 MINOR
322 0x0142 PATCH
323 0x0143 s16 SUFFIX
324-325 0x0144 - 0x0145 Input RO u32 Версия прошивки в числовом формате
326-327 0x0146 - 0x0147 Input RO u32 Версия прошивки в Big Endian формате

| 816­-818 || 0x0330 ­- 0x0332 || Input || RO || u16 || Используются для определения модели контроллера || |- |}