
Материал из Wiren Board
Версия от 17:49, 31 мая 2019; RomanKulibaba (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «*Connect the antenna to the GSM connector *Insert SIM card into micro-SIM slot 1 *Turn on the modem executing wb-gsm restart_if_broken *If your controller is equ…»)
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  • Connect the antenna to the GSM connector
  • Insert SIM card into micro-SIM slot 1
  • Turn on the modem executing wb-gsm restart_if_broken
  • If your controller is equipped with 3G-modem, open file /etc/ppp/peers/your_provider (e.g. MTS) replace the /dev/ttyGSM with /dev/ttyACM0

In the /etc/networks/interfaces file, comment out the section associated with ppp0 and add the following lines:

auto ppp0
iface ppp0 inet ppp
provider mts
#restart modem if it's broken or frozen
pre-up wb-gsm restart_if_broken
#Then wait for it to load and find the network.
pre-up sleep 10
  • Run the ifup ppp0 command — after 15 seconds, the ppp0 interface will be available.
  • After rebooting, the interface will be automatically turning on and restore the connection after the cellular connection is lost.