Relay Modules Modbus Management

Версия от 14:50, 16 июля 2019; RomanKulibaba (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «The status value of each relay is stored in flag registers (coil). The 1st relay register address is 0, the 2nd it's 1, etc.»)

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Modbus parameters

Modbus address

Modbus-address set on manufacture

Modbus-address of the Wiren Board devices is easy to determine — it is printed on the sticker (the address is in decimal format). The new address of the device is written by the command WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER to the storage register (holding register) with the address 128 (0x80). For details on how to determine (if the address has been changed) or change the Modbus address of the module, see Define and change the Modbus address of Wiren Board devices.

Modbus commands supported by the device

The Wirenboard relay modules support all major Modbus commands. Read more here: Register reading and writing function codes.

Safe mode

In this mode, when the Modbus communication is terminated, the device disconnects the relay after a specified time.

To enable Safety timer, you must write a value other than 0 to the storage register with the WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER command at 8. This value is a timeout in seconds. A value of "0" disables safe mode.

Relay operation in case of power failure

In the latest firmware versions (starting with 1.5.3) for WB-MR devices, it is now possible to remember the output status when power is off. The mode is controlled by the Modbus register 6. If the register is set to '0', the state of the outputs will not be saved and all relays will be switched off when power is supplied. If the entry in the register unit, when the power is resumed everything is included before the crash relay is switched on again.

Digital inputs

The input state can be obtained by reading the Discrete Inputs 0—x registers (where x = (number of managed channels - 1)). If the input is connected to GND, the register value is 1, if not connected - it's 0.

Modes of interaction between digital inputs and relay outputs

You can enable direct control of the relay outputs from the digital inputs in the relay module. There are several options for such management:

  • Simple:
    • Mode 0: managing switch without detent (click "self-released back"). You press the button (close the digital input with GND), it is "pressed back", the relay state is switched to the opposite.
    • Mode 1: switch control with locking. The relay is always set according to the position of the switch. If the switch is "on" (closes the digital input with GND), the relay is also closed. If the switch is "off", the relay is open.
    • Mode 3: relay output control from digital input is disabled.
  • Complex:
    • Mapping-matrix (see detailed description below)

The mode can be set separately for each channel. To do this, register 5 must have a value of "0", and the mode for each channel is written to the storage registers starting from address 9 for the first channel, etc.

There is an outdated method - setting the mode for all channels at the same time. To do this, write the appropriate number in the storage register with address 5.


Starting from firmware v.1.9.0, mode 2 is also provided for individual channels-disable all outputs, and operating modes (4 and 5) in accordance with the mapping matrix (see below).In this and later versions of firmware versions modules have flexible settings of the interaction of inputs and outputs of relay modules using a special mapping matrix: a table in which for each input is encoded change of any relay output state when the state of this input changes. A detailed description can be found in I/O Mapping Matrix.

Relay module register card

  • x — number of relay outputs;
  • y is the number of digital inputs.

(for modules WB-MRM2 see registers map at the description page of this module)

Register / address Type Read-write Default Format Appointment Note
0 .. (x-1) coil RW - 1 or 0 relay status with number 1 .. x
0 .. (y-1) discrete R - 1 or 0 entry status with number 1 .. y
5 holding RW 0
  • 0: buttons without locking
  • 1: switch with lock
  • 3: disable interaction
mode of interaction of digital inputs with relay outputs. The input status registers and the pressure counter continue to operate in all modes. The register was used in the old configuration mechanism. It is recommended to leave it set to 0 and the inputs are configured via the individual registers 9 .. (9+x-1)
6 holding RW
  • 0: do not restore relay state after power is restored
  • 1: restore relay state after power is restored
relay operation mode in case of power failure (only in firmware 1.5.3 and later)
8 holding RW 0 seconds safe mode timeout
9 .. (9+x-1) holding RW 0
  • 0: non-locking buttons
  • 1: switch with lock
  • 3: disable interaction
single digital input interaction mode with corresponding relay output;

"0" should be written in register 5

  • 2: disable all relays when pressed
  • 4: to operate in accordance with the I/O mapping- matrix
  • 5: to operate in accordance with the I/O mapping-matrix, after 20 minutes to re-simulate the input state
Since firmware v.1.9.0
1 Since firmware v.1.12.0
16 holding RW
  • 0: non-locking button
  • 1: switch with lock
  • 3: disable interaction
digital input operating mode 0 to disable all relays
  • 2: disable all relays when pressed
  • 4: to operate in accordance with the mapping-matrix
  • 5: to operate in accordance with the mapping-matrix, after 20 minutes to re-simulate the input state
digital input mode 0; register 5 must be set to "0" Since firmware 1.9.0
32 .. (32+y-1) input R 0 16-bit unsigned int input counter 1 .. y
104-105 input R 32-bit unsigned int uptime counter in seconds
120 (0x78) holding RW 0 other than 0 writing to the register causes the module to restart without saving the state
121 (0x79) holding R - mV module current supply voltage
128 (0x80) holding RW 1 1 — 247 Modbus device address
129 (0x81) holding RW 0 0 or 1 Go to bootloader mode 1.10.0
200-205 holding R {'X','X','X','X','X','X'} device signature (see table below)
220-241 holding | | / _date__ _ _ time__ firmware build date
250-266 input R string, null-terminated firmware version
270-271 input R 32-bit unsigned int unique identifier (S/N)
384-447 holding RW 0 registers mapping-matrix Since firmware version 1.9.0

In firmware version 1.6.0 and later, additional registers for setting data exchange parameters via RS-485 are supported:

Register / address Type Read/write Value by default Format Function
110 holding RW 96 baud rate / 100 RS-485 port speed, divided by 100. Permissible speeds: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
(UART Communication Settings for Wiren Board devices )
111 holding RW 0 set the parity bit of the RS-485 port. Valid values: 0 - no parity bit (none), 1 - odd , 2 - even
112 holding RW 2 umber of stop bits of RS-485 port. Valid values: 1, 2

The 6-byte module signature is stored at address 200. The signature is unique for each model of Wiren Board devices and allows to identify the model by Modbus:

Module Signature


To get the signature of a device you need to run command READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS at 200 (length of 6 registers). Writing to this area of memory is not supported, and error 3 is returned when attempting to write to an invalid location. Empty spaces in the signature text are clogged with the value 0x00. Starting from register 220, the firmware build date is recorded, in the format numberx00timex00 as a string (example: 'Jan 27 2017 17:01:13'). The length of the record is 21 registers.

The status value of each relay is stored in flag registers (coil). The 1st relay register address is 0, the 2nd it's 1, etc.

Управление модулем из командной строки

Программное обеспечение контроллера Wiren Board включает в себя утилиту modbus_client для работы с устройствами, подключенными к выходам RS-485, по протоколу Modbus, подробное описание команды находится на странице Modbus-client. Доступ к командной строке описан в статье SSH.

Пример чтения регистров

Проверим, верно ли, что мы подключились именно к модулю нужного типа. (Сервис wb-mqtt-serial должен быть предварительно остановлен). По адресу 200 хранится уникальная сигнатура длиной в 6 регистров. Прочтем 6 регистров, начиная с адреса 200, и преобразуем полученный шестнадцатеричный ответ в символьную строку:

echo  -e `modbus_client --debug -mrtu -pnone -s2 /dev/ttyAPP1 \
-a1 -t0x03 -r200 -c 6 | \
grep Data | sed -e 's/0x00/\\\x/g' -e 's/Data://' -e 's/\s//g'`

В результате выполнения команды получаем строку, например WBMR6. Релейный модуль WB-MR6 имеет Modbus-адрес 1.

Выбор типа управления внешними входами

В релейных модулях предусмотрено два режима управления каналами реле: с помощью внешних входов и по протоколу RS-485. В релейных модулях можно выбрать режим 0, когда ко внешнему входу подключена кнопка (без фиксации), или режим 1, когда для управления используется обычный выключатель (с фиксацией). Режим 3 отключает внешнее управление, но при этом все равно сохраняется возможность управления по RS-485 и чтение состояния внешних входов. По умолчанию включен режим 0.

В режиме внешнего управления реле срабатывает по падению логического уровня: к внешним входам подключены резисторы подтяжки к линии +5V и реле соответствующего канала срабатывает при соединении входа с GND. Состояние реле каждого канала хранится в памяти контроллера до перезагрузки, по умолчанию при включении питания все реле выключены. После инициализации модуля опрашиваются внешние входы и реле всех каналов переводятся в соответствующее состояние.

Тип внешнего управления можно выбрать для каждого канала отдельно через регистры 9 — (9+x). Для этого в holding-регистре 5 должно быть записано значение 0:

modbus_client --debug -mrtu -pnone -s2 /dev/ttyAPP1 -a1 -t0x06 -r5 0

Инициализировать регистр при старте можно и через настройки web-интерфейса, смотрите страницу RS-485:Настройка_через_веб-интерфейс.