
Материал из Wiren Board
Версия от 12:53, 4 августа 2023; A.Degtyarev (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «To associate an image svg element with values or events, select it with the mouse, after which fields for setting the element's behavior will appear next to the image. {{SupportedSinceRelease | release = wb-2307 |content= In addition to selecting a single element, you can select a group. To do this, hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and click on one of the elements of the group. The group containing the element will be highlighted. Clicking again while...»)
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To associate an image svg element with values or events, select it with the mouse, after which fields for setting the element's behavior will appear next to the image. {{SupportedSinceRelease | release = wb-2307 |content= In addition to selecting a single element, you can select a group. To do this, hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and click on one of the elements of the group. The group containing the element will be highlighted. Clicking again while holding down the Alt key will select the group one level higher and so on up to the very top of the hierarchy.