Firmware Changelog: различия между версиями

Материал из Wiren Board
Метка: visualeditor
Строка 5: Строка 5:
!Affected devices
!Affected devices
| fix change modbus uart settings
change eeprom files to submodule. add neccesory defines. change project paths
move eeprom settings load/save to separate file.
move eeprom settings struct defines from config.h to settings.c.
add modbus id change valdation
add validation modbus settings when load from eeprom.
add validation for buttons disable, pwm divider and fade time settings
disable 1200 baud variant (need research why not work)

Версия 17:17, 6 декабря 2018

Общая таблица по всем устройствам

Source project Version Affected devices Changelog
WB-MRGB 1.1.2 WB-MRGBW_D fix change modbus uart settings

change eeprom files to submodule. add neccesory defines. change project paths

move eeprom settings load/save to separate file.

move eeprom settings struct defines from config.h to settings.c.

add modbus id change valdation

add validation modbus settings when load from eeprom.

add validation for buttons disable, pwm divider and fade time settings

disable 1200 baud variant (need research why not work)

WB-MDM2 1.1.0 WB-MD2 Two modbus holding registers 65 and 66 were added for users can choose 1 of 3 dimming curves: (0)incandecent bulbs, (1)LED bulbs, (2)resistive load
WB-MS 4.1.0 WB-MSW v.3 * note:  MSW v.3 VOC-sensor related fixes and improvenets

* added: input register 106 with current valid SGPC3 baseline reported by the sensor

* added: input register 107 with current raw signal

* change: VOC sensor is initialized for 184s after power-on. During this time VOC registers return error value.

WB-MS 4.0.1 WB-MSW v.3 * added:   improve SPL metering on WB-MSW v.3
WB-MS 4.0.0 WB-MS, WB-MSW v.3, WB-MIR,

WB-M1W2, WB-MAI2-mini/cc

* added:   add new target for WB-MSW v3

* added:   add PIR movement sensor support

* added:   add SGPC3 air quality sensor support

* added:   add discrete input mode for 1-wire inputs with activation counters

* added:   improve SPL metering on WB-MS

* change:  improved config storage

* fixes:   workaround for IR bug

WB-MS 3.12.2 WB-MAI2-mini/CC add support for WB-MAI2-mini/CC
WB-MS 3.12.1 WB-MIR, WB-M1W2 * change: fixes NTC heating compensation
   * note  NTC compersation value was damaged while saving/restoring from flash
WB-MS 3.12 WB-MSW2 * change: fixes NTC heating compensation
   * change:   add <censored> new CO2 sensor support to MSW2_3.4 boards
   * fixes modbus integrity check
   * checklist:add manual calibration for <censored>
   * checklist:add zero calibration (manual calibration to 400ppm)
   * note:     - Write 1 to coilreg (COIL_REG_CO2_SENS_CALIBRATE_ZERO) 1 to fresh air calibrate any CO2 sensor
                   (At <censored> the 1 value at coilreg remains 1 for 3 sec and then  = 0)
               - Wrtie 1 to holdreg (HOLD_REG_CO2_SENS_ABC_CALIBRATION) 95 to CLOSE CO2 sensor ABC calib/ 0 = OPEN 
                 At changing the parameter ABC cylce is also transmitted to sensor
               - Write any value between 400-1500 into () 88 to manually calibrate <censored> sensor 
                 Register content is automatically set to 0 after calibration.
               - Write 1-15 to holdreg () 89 to set ABC cycle (days). At setting the register
                 OPEN/CLOSE state is also transmitted.
WB-MS 3.11.2 WB-MS, WB-MSW, WB-MIR, WB-M1W2 * change: bug fix: writing single hold reg value > 125 resulted modbus illegal data value error
WB-MS 3.11.1 WB-MS, WB-MSW, WB-MIR, WB-M1W2 * change: add modbus package integrity testing to "mb_recive_hadler" function
   * note:     - returns with modbus error "MB_ERROR_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE" if a package includes a write CRC but wrong package size or fields
               - returns with modbus error "MB_ERROR_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE" if requested size of data is greater than allowed (125 at reading, 123 at
                        writing but at writing technically not possible to get receive such command due to the limited RX buffer size)
               - returns with modbus error "MB_ERROR_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION"  if modbus request function is unknow. 
WB-MS 3.10.1 WB-MS, WB-M1W2, WB-MIR 1-wire reset time changed from ~410 us to ~550 us. As in 1-Wire Standard, should be between 480 and 640 us
WB-MS 3.10.0 WB-MS, WB-M1W2, WB-MIR added filter out algorithm for suspicious values 85C and 127.937C from 1-wire temperature sensors
  • Storing configs and device state in external eeprom
  • Watchdog enable
  • change: add MRGBW support
 * note:     modbus hold reg 3 = white channel value
               modbus hold reg 8 = button 3 value
               button3 short press = on/off white channel
               button3 long  press = adjust brightness of white channel
               modbus hold reg 33 = button 3 counter 
  • change: "BUTTON_DISABLED" register state is stored/restored to eeprom
  • change: Effectless "color changed over modbus" feature removed
WB-MAP 1.1 WB-MAP3H, WB-MAP3E, WB-MAP6S, WB-MAP12H add support for WB-MAP3 devices