Translations:WB Modbus Devices Firmware Update/57/en

Материал из Wiren Board

Firmware upload to the device

To upload the firmware, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the device via RS-485 bus to the controller or other equipment where the firmware utility is installed.
  2. Если вы выполняете команды на контроллере:
  3. Download the firmware file for your device from the repository following the instructions.
  4. Upload the firmware file to the controller or other device.
  5. Go to the folder with the firmware file and execute the command:
    • on the controller or a Linux computer:
    wb-mcu-fw-flasher -j -d /dev/ttyRS485-1 -a25 -f ./firmware.wbfw
    • on a Windows computer:
    wb-mcu-fw-flasher_1.0.3.exe -j -d COM1 -a25 -f firmware.wbfw
  6. If you executed the command from the controller, start the wb-mqtt-serial driver.