- ARM-процессор 454 MHz
- 128MB RAM
- Внуренний накопитель eMMC 4 GByte
- Отправка SMS
- GPRS (80 кбит/с)
- или 3G (5 Мбит/с)
- Modbus и другие протоколы
- Цифровые термометры 1-Wire
- 6 универсальных входов/выходов
- Дискретные выходы: механические и твёрдотельные реле
- Дискретные входы: сухой контакт, 24В, 220В
- Аналоговые входы и выходы
Wiren Board is designed for home and industrial automation and monitoring. It is suitable for polling sensors and meters, to be used as a data acquisition and transmission device, as a replacement of programmable logic controllers, in SCADA and in Smart Home systems.
The number of ports and interfaces supported and the user-friendly Web interface allow you to use the Wiren Board as a Smart Home master controller working together with wireless and wired devices from other manufacturers. Protection of ports from excessive voltage surges, the enclosure designed to be mounted on a DIN rail, the watchdog timer allow you to use the Wiren Board controller in solutions where the reliability of operation is of utmost importance.
Technical specifications
- ARM9 454 MHz processor
- 4 GB flash memory, 128 MB RAM
- DIN rail enclosure (103 × 87 mm × 20 mm, 6 units)
- Built-in Li-ion battery *
- Operating range -25... +70°C ( -40.. +85°C available as an option)
- 2 × RS-485
- 1 × CAN
- 1 × 1-Wire
- 4 × discrete/analog inputs
- 4 ×"open collector" outputs
- 1 × resistance detectors input
- Extensible open-source software
- Debian Linux, kernel 4.9.
- Custom scripts
- Log storage
- Web interface
- Ethernet
- Wi-Fi 802.11n (AP, client)*
- Bluetooth 4.0*
- 433 MHz radio module*
- GSM/GPRS modem
- Z-wave*
- RS-485
- RS-232
- Mercury-CAN
- 4-20mA
- Discrete input
- 0-10V Outputs
- GPS/Glonass
- RT1000, RT100
- 8/16 × discrete inputs
- 12 × analog inputs
- 8 × 0-10V analog outputs
- 8/16 × relays etc.
- connect up to 8 I/O modules
- Easy access to device over LAN
- View and manage all connected devices
- Rooms and dashboards
- Management and configuration of modules
- Event scripts
- Schedules and timers
- Working with virtual devices
- Library of functions
- Knowledge Base with out-of-the-box solutions
- Email and SMS notifications
- Scheduled execution of specific commands
- Logging values for each channel